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他们反对民主。They oppose democracy.

民主制度办起事来,行动缓慢。Democracy moves slowly.

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于是民主贬值了。Thus was democracy debased.

你们生活在民主社会中You all live in a democracy.

网络社会需嘦民主。Democracy above the web goes.

通过民主修正案。Pass the democracy amendment.

好的,亚历克斯,那民主呢。All right, Alex, on democracy.

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那民主怎么办?The democracy what about that?

他作风民主。He has a democratic work-style.

网络社会须要民主。Democracy on the networked gones.

不真实的民主孳生犬儒主义。A feigned democracy breeds cynicism.

他不只是批评民主。He wasn't only a critic of democracy.

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这将会播撒民主的种子。This will sow the seeds of democracy.

这是一党民主难以做到的。Hard to do with a one-party democracy.

我们站在一起捍卫民主。We stand together to defend democracy.

其核心是反民主。It is anti-democratic at its very core.

土耳其的民主是活蹦乱跳的。Turkish democracy is alive and kicking.

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民主属于上层建筑。Democracy is part of the superstructure.

我们撕下了他们民主的假面具。We tore from them the mask of democracy.

市场还是民主,究竟孰先孰后?Which comes first, markets or democracy?