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可发生输血后黄疸。Post-transfusion jaundice may occur.

有指征时应输血。Blood should be administered as indicated.

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为西斯征服者输血的就是“星际煅炉”。Fueling the Sith conquest was the Star Forge.

严重出血往往需要输血。Seere bleeding often requires blood transfusion.

血已经给你买好了,输血包也楼下。We ordered the blood for you. The kit's downstairs.

亨特中校检查出血状况,开始给他输血。Lt Col Hunter checks for haemorrhages and gives blood.

输血后她很快就醒了过来。She soon came to her senses after a blood transfusion.

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最初,甚至动物向人输血也尝试过。At first, even animal- to- human transfusion was tried.

乙肝的主要传染方式是母婴传播,另外还有性传播、输血传播,以及经由被污染的针头传播等途径。The chief mode of transmission is from mother to child.

相比于给经济放血,它看起来更热衷于给它输血。It seems keener on blood transfusions than on bloodletting.

孕妇没有输血史或输液史。There is no history of blood transfusion and Transplantation.

不够规律的进行资金“输血”,将会使整个产业在繁荣和萧条间起伏波动。Semi-regular infusions of cash tend to create booms and busts.

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因为巴贝西虫能通过输血传播。Canis because it can be transmitted through blood transfusions.

从来没有相关规定,在什么时候什么人应该被输血。There are no rules about when to transfuse and who to do it to.

输血本身充满残酷和传奇。Blood transfusion is itself infused with brutality and legendry.

用输血袋样式包装的果味能量饮料。Fruit punch energy drink comes in a transfusion-style blood bag.

重度贫血者输血时速度宜缓慢。When specific weight anemia blood transfusion speed suitable slow.

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这可能是第一次报道溶血性输血反应。This is probably the first reported hemolytic transfusion reaction.

我们需要将这些钱输血我们的经济并创造就业机会。We need to divert that money to energise our economy and create jobs!

目的为了解我区非溶血性输血反应的发生情况。Objective To find out incidence of non-hemolytic transfusion reactions.