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他们的奇遇是个很好的故事。Their adventures make a good story.

把它当作一次冒险奇遇的机会。Treat it as an opportunity for adventure.

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她常在记忆中回味那次奇遇。She relishes the memory of that adventure.

他滔滔不绝地讲述他的奇遇。He kept rattling away about his adventures.

童年到处都会有奇遇,它就在你的童心里。The adventure is out there. Even inside you.

我希望听到你这次奇遇的详情。I wish to hear the details of your adventure.

故事讲述了一段发生在夏天的夜晚的奇遇。The story is about Enchantments in a summer night.

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没有错误——只有奇遇和经历。There are no mistakes-only adventures and experiences.

老水手喜欢讲他的海上奇遇。The old mariner liked to yarn about his sea adventures.

今日黄昏奇遇,见有两人呕吐。Crepuscular now adventure, see have two people vomiting.

别再向我胡吹你那了不起的奇遇吧!Don't give me any of that jazz about your great adventure!

却换来奇遇历险,最后更成为睡公主的新解咒人!They become the main characters in the story〝Sleeping Princess〞.

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生活中若缺乏偶然的奇遇,将会变得非常无聊。ODD】Life would be very dull without the odd adventures now and then.

我当时认为那是一次奇遇,并认为会很有趣。"I thought it was an adventure and found it exciting, " Scholz said.

他用各种虚构的冒险奇遇修饰他的故事。He adorned his story with allsorts of adventures that never happened.

这两个法国人在非洲森林里经历了种种奇遇。The two Frenchmen went through strange adventures in the African forests.

通风机发明家的奇遇阻止了他冒险复仇.The ventilator inventor’s adventure prevented him from venturing revenge.

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我即将经历我人生当中一个最令人心潮澎湃的奇遇。I am about to commit to one of the biggest emotional adventures in my life.

它成了一个发现的奇遇——你发现的越多,你看到的就越多。It becomes an adventure in noticing—and the more you notice, the more you see.

学习很重要,也非常有趣,你会遇到各种挑战和奇遇。Studying is important and fun, you face all kinds of challenges and adventures.