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项氏世代为楚将。For a generation of chu"s will."

这是现世代版本的情况。That's the current-gen version then.

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教导真理公义世代流长。Their wisdom teaches truth and right.

我可用什么比这世代呢。To what can I compare this generation?

跨了时代也跨了世代!Across the ages, across the generations!

他的确不能把世代传统置诸脑后。He could not really forget such tradition.

这世代的人哪,你们要看明耶和华的话。O generation, see ye the word of the LORD.

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两个世代互相重叠。The two aeons are overlapping, coterminous.

要爱惜光阴,因为现今的世代邪恶。Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

“X世代人”经常被称为懒鬼。The Gen Xers are often referred to as slackers.

你愿意在你的世代服事神的旨意吗?Will you serve God's purpose in your generation?

但世代居住在西溪的居民厌倦了这种躁动。But Xixinan residents are fed up with the ruckus.

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这世代的所谓「智慧」,在上帝眼中乃是愚拙。The "wisdom" of this world is foolishness to God.

他提出一个测试题,来验证你是否是X世代的一员。He proposes a quiz to tell whether you are a member

这是过去这么多世代一直发生的事情。This has been happening for so many past generations.

这两个部族世代为敌。The two tribes feuded with each other for generations.

狼山花岗岩中锆石具有多世代性。Zircon in the Langshan granite is of multi-generation.

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草的柔柔、软软、暖暖——而嬉耍其上的孩童的确属于嫩草世代。Our happy children do belong to an era of tender grass.

留心这自动自发的世代生出的神学。Beware of a theology produced by spontaneous generation.

我实在告诉你们,这都要向这世代追讨。Yes, I tell you, it will be required of this generation.