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于是我的皮筏漂流梦就这样灰飞烟灭了。The raft dream was dead.

他们漂流出海。They drifted out to sea.

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我们顺河漂流而下。We drifted down the stream.

唐回漂流欢迎您!Welcome back to drift tang!

船漂流出海。The boat drifted out to sea.

一只船漂流而下。A boat floated down the river.

有时候我们会去漂流。Sometimes we go like, rafting.

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船顺水漂流而下。The boat drifted down the river.

他们的船沿江漂流而下。Their boat drops down the river.

潮水使船漂流。The boat was floated by the tide.

船只随风漂流。The ship drifted before the wind.

他们的小船顺水漂流而下。Their boat drifted down the river.

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我们要进行白浪漂流。We want to be white-water rafting.

那条船正在海洋上漂流。The ship was drifting on the ocean.

两个漂流者动身往看世界。Two drifters, off to see the world.

水母利用漂流觅食。Jellyfishes rely on drifting to eat.

漂流之后还可以品尝到美味的河鱼。I can't wait to raft along the river.

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他们让小船在河上漂流。They let the boat drift on the river.

架着一条小船在河中漂流。To vagabondize in it by a small boat.

两个澳大利亚人乘一艘救生船漂流在海上。Two Aussies are adrift in a lifeboat.