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弗里德里克·布兰德博士有几个让他声名鹊起的名言。Dr Frederic Brandt has several claims to fame.

这本书讲述她的声名鹊起而成为一位女演员。This book charts her rise to fame as an actress.

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由于在海湾战争中表现优异,悍马车型声名鹊起。The vehicle earned its reputation during the Gulf War.

为穷人辩护使他声名鹊起。He quickly gained a reputation as a defender of the poor.

自从他1977年第一次在这里表演后,他便声名鹊起了。He's been big in Belgium since 1977 when he first performed there.

在这种情况下,尼克松对我的声名鹊起完全一反常态。In those circumstances Nixon reversed his attitude toward my growing celebrity.

艾米-怀恩豪斯由于声名鹊起和吸毒成瘾而备受关注。Amy Winehouse’s rise to fame and struggles with addiction escalated on similar trajectories.

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简媜是台湾新生代散文作家,不足三十岁时便已声名鹊起。Jian Zhen, one of Taiwan's new generation prose writers, rose in fame when she was less than 30.

阿涅泽因撰写了第一本讨论微积分的书而声名鹊起。Agnesi is credited with writing the first book discussing both differential and integral calculus.

但很快,女神卡卡本人看到了这段视频并大力转发,小阿拉贡从此声名鹊起。But the video quickly caught the attention of Lady Gaga herself and skyrocketed Ms. Aragon to fame.

作为一名军人,他在早期为了达到声名鹊起目的的努力帮助引发了法印战争。His early attempts to make a name for himself as a military man helped start the French and Indian War.

一所中国中学本周声名鹊起,学生的英语笔迹让网友眼前一亮。Chinese middle school rose to fame this week after its pupils' English handwriting amazed internet users.

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四年前刘翔在雅典夺得金牌,成为了中国第一个在奥运会田径项目中取得金牌的男运动员,从而声名鹊起,财源广进。Liu's gold in Athens four years ago made him China's first male track gold medalist, bringing him fame and fortune.

有些世上最成功的企业,都因为强调自身独一无二的特性而声名鹊起。Some of the most successful businesses in the world have made their mark by articulating their unique capabilities.

自从撒巴特在伊斯兰社区声名鹊起以后,她的设计就引发了反穆斯林情绪。Zanetti's design has also brought out anti-Muslim sentiment since she's become a high-profile member of the Islamic community.

越来越多的聚会场所也使这座城市因而声名鹊起,每周都有各式各样的酒吧和俱乐部新开张。The city’s reputation as an up-and-coming party spot is also growing, with bars and clubs of all stripes seeming to open weekly.

木子美因写了图文并茂的性博客而声名鹊起,很快她的名字就被企业家擅自用到产品上。When Muzimei shot to fame for her graphic sex blog, entrepreneurs were swift to use her name for products without her permission.

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他们一起把业务从简单的制假售假扩展到非法走私,在黑道上声名鹊起。Together, they made a name for themselves, expanding their business from simple bootlegging to smuggling of various illegal wares.

在1915年推出的全世界首款使用12缸发动机的双6缸款柏加汽车,以其良好的口碑而声名鹊起。The 1915 introduction of the Twin-Six Packard, one of the first 12-cylinder automobiles, created a crescendo of favorable publicity.

本拉登的尸体被空运至阿富汗,在那里他曾因1980年代期间抗击和杀害苏联士兵而声名鹊起。The Qaeda leader’s body was flown to Afghanistan, the country where he made his fame fighting and killing Soviet troops during the 1980s.