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这些球衣当然不仅仅只是提供给球迷们的,特殊的“比赛战袍”只是提供给球员们的。The jerseys are more than just presents for fans.

我还希望自己能重新穿上国家队的战袍。I also hope to recapture the Nazionale jersey too.

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哈赛尔巴因克能够重披切尔西战袍?Could Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink wear a Chelsea shirt again?

他的下一次出场,身着米兰战袍,将是第50场比赛。His next appearence, with Milan's shirt, will be the 50th.

我认为我重新披上蓝衣战袍的机会不大。I think I have very little chance of getting back into the Azzurri shirt.

我认为这是我身披英格兰战袍打出的最好的比赛。"I think that was my best game to date in an England shirt, " said Defoe.

事实就是,自从穿上紫金战袍后,布朗就成为了扣将的代名词。The factis, since he wore Lakers’ shirt, Brown has become a synonym fordunker.

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关于本在化妆舞会上亲吻穿粉色金刚战袍的女孩,费利西蒂做了个大买卖。Felicity makes a big deal about Ben kissing the Pink Ranger at the costume party.

保卫者战袍能转吗?这些不行,目前计划只针对收藏物品和玻璃扎纪念品。No on the Tabard. The current plan is for CE items and Blizzard event items only.

本和在好莱坞派对上,穿着粉色金刚战袍的女孩接吻。Ben makes out with a girl dressed up as the Pink Power Ranger at a Halloween party.

在第一季中,有一个在好莱坞派对上穿着粉色金刚战袍的女孩。Of season 1, there is a girl at the Halloween party dressed up as the Pink Power Ranger.

我如今穿着火箭的战袍,也许他们会对我起哄,但我不介意。I am now wearing the rocket again, maybe they will say to me, booing , but I do not mind.

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乔科尔在四年合约上签了字,这位英格兰国脚已经通过体检并将身披10号战袍。The England international has passed his medical and has been allocated the squad No. 10.

我今天所看到的事情,是对所有披过紫金战袍的伟大前辈们的侮辱。What I saw today was an insult to all of the former greats that have worn purple and gold.

巴萨的梅西身披10号战袍,但却是虚九战术潮流的弄潮儿。Barcelona's Lionel Messi wears No10 but has spearheaded the tactical vogue for a false nine.

迪亚比将在今天下午足总杯对阵西汉姆联队的比赛上迎来他披着枪手战袍的第120场比赛。Diaby is due to make his 120th Gunners appearance in this afternoon's FA Cup tie at West Ham.

阿隆·拉姆塞身着红白战袍重整旗鼓回到阿森纳让每一个关心兵工厂的人感到由衷的高兴。Aaron Ramsey back in an Arsenal shirt was a welcome sight for everyone associated with the Club.

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另外一个原因是大部分的球员都很愿意披上国家队的战袍,尤其是出征世界杯。Another factor is that most players gladly pull on the national shirt, especially for a World Cup.

纳斯里在上赛季一共打入15粒进球,新赛季将穿上19号战袍为曼城效力。Nasri scored 15 goals in all competitions last season and will wear the No.19 shirt for the Blues.

琴就在那天披上国王的染血战袍,用拨动琴弦的手指指挥残酷的战场。Jean was the day with the king's bloody shirt, use plucked a string fingers command cruel battlefield.