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她在四姐妹中排行第二。She was the second of four daughters.

台北市排行第廿八名。Taipei City was ranked 28th on the list.

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我在家里的11个孩子中排行老七。I was the seventh child in a family of 11.

如果你不喜欢这个排行,那你自己列一个嘛!If you don't like the list, make your own!

下面是聪明狗和笨笨狗的排行表,对照一下,看看你的宠物宝贝上榜了没!There is a list of the smartest dogs ever!

威尔玛·鲁道夫在家22个孩子中排行第20个。Wilma Rudolph was the 20th of 22 children.

孔先生在弟兄中排行老二。In the brothers Mr. Kong was the first but one.

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去年跌出排行的麦当娜今年排名第三。Madonna, absent from the list last year, is No. 3.

甚至连尼斯湖水怪也榜上有名,排行第56位。Even the Loch Ness Monster makes the list at number 56.

排行第三的西班牙人是最酷的欧洲人。The Spanish, in third place, are the coolest Europeans.

我们家,我父亲一辈,大排行兄弟十一个。In our family, my father generation had eleven brothers.

我们正对这些博客的点击率进行大排行。The blogs are ranked by the number of clicks they receive.

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所以当今兵器谱上,书生夺命剑是排行第三。So, on the weapon list, the Evil Scholar is the 1st runner-up.

玛丽.麦克劳德.白求恩的家里有十七个孩子,她排行十五。Mary McLeod Bethune was the fifteenth child born out of seventeen.

马木尔出生于新疆奇台县,在家里十个兄弟姐妹中排行第四。Born in Qitai county, Xinjiang, Mamer is the fourth of 10 children.

教师人均图书馆购书经费,在13间图书馆中排行第六。Acquisitions dollars spent per faculty FTE. 6th out of 13 libraries.

德国、日本和瑞士是排行前三位的创新者。Germany, Japan and Switzerland are the top three innovators overall.

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明天我们会继续2016年热帖排行推荐。敬请期待!Tomorrow we will see the next most popular item of 2016. Stay tuned!

耐克是一个全球品牌,它是世界上排行第一的运动品牌。Nike is a global brand. It is the number one sports brand in the World.

他们排成一排行走,每个人担着扁担和2个箩筐,队伍有2里路长,我用了半个小时才走过了他们…They were all walking single file, each one with a pole and two baskets.