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我邻人知道被挟制货船的高度和重量。My neighbor knows the height and weight of the high jacked freight.

无止尽的天灾军团对这个世界的挟制会越来越大。The restless scourge will become a even greater threat to this world.

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内在心声既是我们的最大挟制、又是不可或缺的救助。The inner voice is promptly our greharticlest dhharticle and variety help.

如果她们受到暴力挟制,她们或许不敢指认孩子的父亲。If they are being subjected to violence, they may be afraid to nominate the father.

海盗在索马里附近的伤害水域挟制了一艘意大利货轮及船上至少21名海员。pirates have hijacked an italian cargo ship with at least 21 crew members in the dangerous waters near somalia.

基督释放了我们,叫我们得自由,所以要站立得稳,不要再被奴仆的轭挟制。Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

此外,我国如果一味的依赖国外的技术,必然受到国外长期的技术挟制,更是花费大量的资金从国外购买技术。And if our country depends on other country for a long time, which is forced to buy their technology all along, spend our more money.

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各种歹意挟制能够穿透防火墙、不合法拜访效能器,却得不到任何有用的信息。All kinds of evil intention compelling can penetrate firewall, illegal visit efficiency of the device, but don't get any useful information.

几乎所有在此事件被挟制的人质都觉得历史已经赶上了他们-曾已远离在德黑兰的伊斯兰恐怖分子如今正威胁着他们的家园。Almost all share a sense that history has caught up with them — that the Islamic terrorism they left in Tehran now threatens their homeland.

CBN网络报道,该大巴是周一在马尼拉市区的一个公园旁边被挟制的。目前,车上乘客的数目尚未确定。The ABS-CBN television network says the bus was taken near a park in downtown Manila on Monday. It is not clear how many people are on board.

本周二宣布的一项民意调查表现,近一半的法国人以为面对辞退的工人挟制老板的做法是可以接纳的。Almost half of French people believe it is acceptable for workers facing layoffs to lock up their bosses, according to an opinion poll published on Tuesday.

神是供应者的另一个特色在于,祂会保护、拯救我们免于敌人的攻击,不让我们受到魔鬼在我们生活中布下的黑暗势力所挟制。There is one more thing about God being the provider of his people. He will protect us from enemies and save us from the power and attack of Satan in our lives.

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同样的,第二个亚当耶稣基督藉著祂的死,毁坏死亡的权势,祂自己也进到被赎之人的心中,成为祂儿女的新生命,帮助他们战胜罪恶的挟制。The old nature lived in them and held sway. Likewise Christ by His death not only delivered us from the power of sin and death, but He Himself lives in each of His redeemed ones and is their life.

当然挟制核算机网络安全的要素有很多,这篇文章首要对于病毒对核算机网络安全挟制的特征进行有代表性的介绍。Of course taken accounting machine elements have a lot of network security, this article first for a virus on accounting machine network security taken characteristics of representative is introduced.