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三天以前,大前天。Three days ago.

那是好久以前的事。It is too long ago.

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要继续像以前那样。To keep on as before.

你们以前试过吗?Have you tried before?

这是多久以前的事?How long ago was this?

以前我就是这样干的。So that is what I did.

你以前钓过鱼吗?Do you ever go fishing?

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他以前吸烟吸得很凶。He used to smoke a lot.

白先生以前有两辆车。Mr. White had two cars.

她以前是个演员。She usta be an actress.

六点以前我们都会在家。We ll be home till six.

我们以前见过这一幕。We’ve seen this before.

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这种言论我以前听过。I had heard this before.

我们以前看到过吗?Have we seen that before?

以前谈恋爱,有贼心没有贼胆儿!I need u that on my mind.

这辆车以前是我开的。I used to drive this car.

我以前住在墨西哥。I used to live in Moxico.

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我以前住在台北。I used to live in Taibei.

你以前学是什么课程?What did you take before?

以前是我自己太笨。Before is I too is stupid.