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从燃烧着的木头上腾起一道火焰。A flame darted from the logs.

爆炸引起的硝烟在加沙城上空腾起。Smoke caused by explosions rises over Gaza City.

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油一倒在火上,立刻就腾起了熊熊烈焰。The fire flamed out as soon as oil was poured on it.

在炽热的太阳照耀下,沙漠腾起股股热浪。Heat vapour steamed the desert under the blazing sun.

“挑战者”号突然腾起,笨拙地沿着发射塔上升。Challenger broke free, lumbered past the launch tower.

整个喀布尔都能看到腾起的黑烟。The rising plume of black smoke could be seen all over Kabul.

两片火焰化作一处,腾起了几百英尺高的烈焰。The two sheets of flame clashed, soaring hundreds of feet high.

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但他把它控制住了,我想就像一位坚定的骑手勒住了腾起的马一样。But he curbed it, I think, as a resolute rider would curb a rearing steed.

当天空腾起蘑菇云时,这也意味着氢弹试爆成功了!The appearance of the mushroom cloud signifies the success of the H-bomb test.

一个政府公屋管理办公室腾起烟雾,显然是在骚乱中被纵火。Smoke also billowed from a council housing office, apparently set on fire during the trouble.

水深了,她腾起身子,舒开双臂长长地一划。The water was deep, but she lifted her white body and reached out with a long, sweeping stroke.

周四的巴格达,一个轰炸产生的火球腾起在地平线。Target of opportunity'A fireball illuminates the horizon after an explosion in Baghdad on Thursday.

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跳远成绩主要取决于起跳离地瞬间人体重心腾起的初速度和腾起角度。Long jumping performance depends mostly on the initial speed and angle of projection of body gravity.

指整个人体腾起后从器械上空越过的一类动作。After refers to the entire human body to leap a kind of movement which crossed from the instrument sky.

只要承受这一事实,本人我们才干超越灭亡,腾起在空中,看清生命的意义。Only when we can accept this fact, we can exceed death, fly in the air, look through the meaning of life.

辽阔的海疆飞驶英雄的战艇,西部边陲又腾起冲天的火箭。The broad sea Jiang flies fast heroic war boat, western backland again Teng rise hurtle the rocket in sky.

撑杆跳高是指运动员双手握住一根特制的杆子,经过快速助跑后,借助杆子撑地的反弹力量,使身体腾起,跃过横杆。An athlete runs up to a high bar help between posts and uses a pole to push his or her body up over the bar.

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一行人上了直升机,坐下系好安全带,直升机从草坪上腾起,贴着水面低飞。They got in, sat down, buckled up, and the chopper tilted and rose from the grass and flew low out over the water.

腾起的火球把他再次吸起,然后眼瞎一样,将他脸朝下扔进土豆田的泥当中。The fireball, roaring upwards, sucked him up again and threw him, blinded, face-down into the mud of the potato field.

或者透过明净的玻璃,望着欣欣向荣的万物,心中不免腾起希望,回味着洗礼的心情。Or through bright and clear glass, looking at the thriving things, could not help Jumping hope, pondering baptism mood.