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不要过度注释。Don't over-comment.

参见底下的注释。See the note below.

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不要过分注释。Do not over comment.

注注释被移到附录A。NOTE Note moved to Annex A.

取消以下粗体代码的注释。Uncomment the code in bold below.

修改,查看注释,编辑。Revise, observing notes and edits.

注释是爸爸加进去的。Annotations are added by my father.

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注释将解释其如何工作的。Notes should explain how this works.

就在这里,让我来把这个注释掉。In fact, let me comment this one out.

标记注释没有变量。Marker annotations have no variables.

下面的注释由约翰逊先生附加。The following note is subjoined by Mr.

好,我要把这里去掉注释。All right. I'm going to uncomment that.

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注释是红色的,我可以看到这些注释。Comments appear in red. I can see those.

把空白处铅笔写的注释擦掉。Erase the penciled notes in the margins.

奥利金是一个伟大的圣经注释者。Origen was a great biblical commentator.

本文对书中的注释以及佚文作了补充。This paper supplements some views in it.

好吧注释就是个球芽甘蓝。Well this is a brussels sprouts comment.

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我正好把它注释了?I happen to have it commented out, right?

通常来说,是什么让注释有“臭味”?What makes comments so smelly in general?

然后把注释去掉,然后再取消注释一遍。And uncomment that, and uncomment it again.