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信息羡余是语言运用中加强信息传递的手段。The redundancy is a method which strengthens the transmitted message in language.

这些词被称为否定羡余或否定赘词。These negative words are called redundancy of negators in Chinese and ne explétif in French.

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羡余现象,是指语言的表达形式多于表达内容。Redundancy is a linguistic phenomenon that the linguistic form is more than its linguistic content.

因其结构中的否定词可有可无,有人称其为羡余否定。Because the negative words can be omitted or not, someone called this phenomenon as redundant negation.

并对这三个副词构成的羡余否定式进行历史溯源,考证其生成机制。The diachronic source of redundant negation is traced and its generative mechanism is also researched on.

缩句就是在不改变原意的条件下将句子的羡余部分去掉。Abbreviating a sentence means cutting out the redundant parts of the sentence without changing its original meaning.

另一类如上海话和矾山话的升调,所包含的两个直线调段只有后部升调段起辨调作用,前部平调段是调长的羡余特征。Another kind is like that in Shanghai and Fanshan, only the latter part of the real rising tone is functional in identification and discrimination.

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而认知语言学理论的主观性、认知凸显等几个方面对羡余现象的成因具有较强的解释力。In this paper, the causes of redundancy phenomenon are explained through several aspects such as the subjectivity and cognitive salience of cognitive linguistics.

文章从其他学科引入“羡余”这个概念,用以描绘本身具有较高资源品质却在经营中显得“多余”、“无用”的旅游资源。This paper borrows from other fields the concept of redundancy to describe such tourist resources which have high qualities yet somehow appear to be redundant and useless.

以往对汉语羡余现象的研究是局部或零碎的,解释的亦不够充分和深入。This paper is the cognitive explanation of the causes of the redundancy. Cognitive linguistics plays an important and strong role in the explanation of the redundancy phenomenon.