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约翰一举赢了一场双打和两场单打。John collected a double and two singles.

欧文的最厉害的技能包就是单打得分。Kyrie's greatest skill is his isolation scoring.

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在乒乓球单打比赛中职业运动员参与的是一个二人零和博弈。In this field settingexperts play a two person zero-sum game.

另一次进攻,当科比看到刘易斯贴着奥尼尔时,他立即示意沙克准备低位要球单打,沙克没有浪费这次机会,一记爆扣瞬间诞生了。Shaq followed orders, Kobe gave him the ball and Shaq dunked.

在最后的胜利给了他们一场单打比赛决赛中以3比1。The win in the last singles match gave them a final win of 3-1.

但是在下一届的巴黎世界锦标赛上,中国痛失男子单打冠军。But it lost the men's singles at the next championship in Paris.

单打的比赛都是单独作战,赢下比赛后你就只能回到休息区,。In singles you're all alone on the court. You win, you sit down.

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杰克昨晚在男子单打比赛中与约翰相遇,结果输了。Jack fought John in the men 's singles last night and as beaten.

乒乓球单打和双打比赛采用七局四胜,每局11分每球得分制,先得到11分的一方获胜。A game shall be won by the player or pair first scoring 11 points.

队际赛事包括男子单打、混合双打和女子单打。Team event include men's singles, mixed doubles and women's singles.

如果我也有铁腿的话,估计单打能进前10,可惜啊,我的腿像棍子一样。If I had his legs I'd be Top 10 in singles, but I was given stick legs.

身为五次网球大满贯杯单打冠军的辛吉斯,她极力否认自己服用过药物。Hingis, a five-time Grand Slam singles champion, denied taking the drug.

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戏法四俱乐部单打可以比四会更加困难双打。Juggling four-club singles can be more difficult than four-club doubles.

在比赛中早早得喂球给枷锁,让他单打海耶斯。Feed it to Gasol early and often, and have him turn and face Chuck Hayes.

韩国选手柳承敏在男子单打决赛中击败了中国选手王皓。South Korean Ryu Seung Min beat China's Wang Hao in the men's singles final.

李静同时在男子单打和男子团体比赛中各获得一枚铜牌。Li also won the bronze medal in Men's Singles and bronze in Men's Team Event.

队际赛事包括男子单打、混合双打及女子单打。Competition includes men's singles, mixed doubles and women's singles matches.

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确实是这样。在男子单打决赛中,瓦尔德内尔就输给了孔令辉。That's true In the final of men's single, Waldner was defeated by Kong Linhui.

两个小时后,她的同胞魏仁芳也夺得奥运羽毛球男子单打金牌。Two hours later, her fiancé, Allan Budi Kusuma, won the men's badminton title.

顶尖的球赛—观看全球前八名单打选手和双打组合比赛—拍案叫绝!Great Tennis- watch the top eight players and doubles teams in action- be AWED!