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这些谋反者立约保守秘密。The conspirators were bound to secrecy.

当贵族谋反时,国王便出兵打他们。When the nobles rebelled , the king battled them.

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可我决不会接手有谋反嫌疑的案子。But I'll never deal with the cases which stink of treason.

换言之,他被控谋反,最高死罪之一。In other words he's accused of treason a high capital offense.

讲武那天,尹相谋反了,尹相要求阳明君杀死王。JiangWu day, Yin in rebellion, Yin for Yang who killed the king.

小秦说小岳谋反,逮捕了岳飞。Yue Qin small small rebellion that the arrest of General Yue Fei.

一小撮不满的官员们谋反政府。A small group of dissatisfied officers intrigued against the government.

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林大藉著海亮与海星对自己的信任,策动谋反。Linda through the sea for their bright with starfish trust, agitating the alani39.

拥立国王的人,不会甘愿俯首称臣,因此“谋反”只是时间问题。Kingmakers do not take kindly to becoming mere courtiers, so insurrection is only a matter of time.

但是,“亵渎、不道德、谋反、分裂、煽动叛乱、或恶毒诽谤”的定义是什么呢?But what constituted "blasphemous, immoral, treasonable, schismatic, seditious or scandalous libels"?

真的能把中国2,000年来的外族入侵、叛乱谋反和国内战争归咎于气候模式?Could 2,000 years of foreign invasions, rebellions and civil war really be boiled down to weather patterns?

谋反计划败事,官员们要抓施襄夏,被乾隆克制。Trick defeat rebellion thing, Shih-hsiang, officials should pay attention to the summer, stop by Emperor Qianlong.

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一个最危险的谋反分子,一个我们奉命要特别严加看守的人,这个家伙什么都干得出。A most dangerous conspirator, a man we are ordered to keep the most strict watch over, as he is daring and resolute.

反抗的层面包含抵制、异议、不合作、抗议、反抗乃至于谋反等各类方式。This movement took various forms, including boycott, dissent, non-cooperation, protest, resistance and even conspiracy.

对桑弘羊参与燕王谋反问题,学术界迄今尚无定论。In academic circles, the problem on Sang Hongyang s involving himself in King of Yans rebellion has no final conclusion.

被捕后,奥卡兰宣布放弃最初的信仰,称谋反就是“一个错误”,还说愿意“为土耳其政府效力”。His subsequent recanting —he called the rebellion "a mistake" and offered to "serve the Turkish state"—is well documented.

据说,这个地区有几个中高级的游击队头领,经常啸聚山林,在山谷周围的三个村庄附近,肆意从事谋反活动。This area was known to have several high- and medium-value targets massing and operating freely in the valley and three surrounding villages.

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后为官,因揭发“霍氏谋反”有功,取得宣帝信任,遂借机将这部书稿公开面世。Later Yang, as an officer, whom the Emperor trusted because he reported Huo's rebellion, had the chance to present the manuscript to the public.

他解除了反叛者的镣铐,但是将曾经再次谋反的一个船长和一个牧师流放到了荒无人烟的海滨地区。He released the rebels from their chains, but marooned on the desolate coast one of the captains and a priest who had tried to start another mutiny.

但如果是女真谋反,问鼎中原,然后汉族起义驱逐了女真,事情就很难说了。But if it was the Jurchens who rebelled and took over all of China, and then the Han who rebelled and took over the Jurchens, it would be hard to say.