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她一个人独坐在儿子的房间里。She sat only in the boy's room.

我时常久久独坐。I often sat, for hours together.

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那里你将皱着眉独坐在镜前。Andthou, with brow sitting alone.

独坐幽篁里,弹琴复长啸。I whistle long and loud and play the lute.

先前满有人民的城,现在何竟独坐。How deserted lies the city, once so full of people!

星期日爱独坐人少的咖啡室发呆。I like daze to sit in the cafe by myself on Sunday.

我会悄悄回到我的角落去,在黑暗中独坐。I will steal back to my corner and sit in the dark.

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他独坐山顶俯视我们的城市。He sits alone on hill-tops and looks down upon our city.

圣诞夜,天气寒冷,加油站的老店主独坐在店中。The old man sat in his gas station on a cold Christmas Eve.

先前满有人民的城,现在何竟独坐!See her seated by herself, the town which was full of people!

医生走后,吉尔在书房里独坐了很久。Jill sat in the library, alone, long after the doctor had gone.

习惯一个人独坐,没有忧伤,没有烦恼,因为没有思念。Habit is a man sitting, no sad, no worries, because no thoughts.

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一位年轻的女士独坐在咖啡馆里,正一边小口喝着茶一边看书。A young woman sits alone in a café sipping tea and reading a book.

我只是对独坐孤舟无所事事感兴趣。I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all.

我有个朋友,晚餐后常在阳台上独坐。I have a friend who often sits by herself on the porch after supper.

他当独坐无言,因为这是耶和华加在他身上的。He sitteth alone and keepeth silence, because he hath borne it upon him.

回到家后﹐她经常一个人独坐室中沉思。After returning to their home, she often sat alone in a room in meditation.

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但是,偶尔,她独坐窗前,回想起很久以前的那场晚会。But sometimes she would sit by the window and think of the evening long ago.

人类的痛苦都是因为其不能静下心来独坐一室。All men's miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone.

惟剩有,夜半独坐饮红酒,让想象任展歌喉,微笑着。So, what left me is only the imagination, with wine, in deep nights, smiling.