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你把过去一股脑儿都挖了出来,那可都是见不得人的。You dig up the past, all you get is dirty.

她兴奋得很,把要讲的话一股脑儿都倒出来了。She got so excited that she poured out all she had to say at once.

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比如说电子邮件,你就没有必要把所有收到的邮件一股脑儿保存下来。With email, for example, you don’t need to keep everything you receive.

比如说电子邮件,你就没有必要把所有收到的邮件一股脑儿保存下来。With e-mail, for example, you rarely need to keep everything you receive.

他和我走到车上,将桔子一股脑儿放在我的皮大衣上。He and I went to the train and put the oranges peremptorily on my fur coat.

然后他们又给了她一辆自行车,她连车身带轱辘一股脑儿放进嘴里,嘎吱嘎吱地嚼成一个小球!Then they gave her a bike and she gnashed it up into a little ball, tires and all!

我没打算躺在这的,只是突然间悲伤一股脑儿的涌了上来,然后我就躺在这了。I didn't plan to lie here, I just got overwhelmed in sadness and this is where I came.

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开车回家的一路上,挫折、沮丧和不公平的感觉一股脑儿涌上头顶。Feelings of failure, discouragement and injustice flooded my mind during the entire drive home.

他知道感情刚开始的时候你就会一股脑儿的扎进去,也知道你十分重视明确、直接的交流。He knows how infatuated you get early on, and how much you value clear and direct communication.

孩子们抓起滑板一股脑儿地全部冲向了干了的喷泉开始玩起了滑板。The children grabbed the boards and raced off to skate in the cracked bowl of the dried-up fountain.

顷刻间滚滚洪水连人带车一股脑儿都给冲走了。这情景直到现在还都在我的脑海里。The image of the rolling water carrying the man and his car away in an instance is still imprinted on my mind.

所以我一想这事儿,所有的信息都一股脑儿的向我涌过来。Once I started thinking about this, all sorts of information came back to me. Here are a few things to keep in mind

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我也盛了一点,饭放入口中,淡淡的,没味道,我一股脑儿把饭吐了出来,原来没放盐啊!I sung a little rice into the mouth, insidious, no taste, I peremptorily spit out the rice, the original no salt ah!

他和我走到车上,将桔子一股脑儿放在我的皮大衣上。于是扑扑衣上的泥土。After boarding the train with me, he laid all the tangerines on my overcoat, and patting the dirt off his clothes, he.

而尝试去倾听,耐心听他把自己的不满、愤怒一股脑儿都讲出来,其实就是在帮他释放情绪。And try to listen, listen to his dissatisfaction and anger altogether speak out, is in fact to help him release the emotions.

当爱情来到时,你不会满足,你会一股脑儿扑上去,好像你是一团燃烧的火焰。You're insatiable when it comes to love, and are a caring albeit intense lover. You feel as if you're a hunk of burning love.

但我们不能把这些习惯一股脑儿地归到人类心理的复杂性上面,因为表现出这些习惯的不只是人类。But we can't trace these habits merely to the complexities of the human psyche, because it's not just humans who exhibit them.

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毫无疑问,为人诟病之处在于招募一个擅长技术的实习生,直接把关于社会媒体的东西一股脑儿的推给他们去做。The danger of course is to recruit an intern who is facile with the technology and simply dump the social media stuff on them.

许多公司一股脑儿地扎到Facebook等社交媒体站点上,之前都没想清楚他们为何该在这些网站上做广告,以及自己到底希望达成什么样的目标。Many companies jump onto social media sites like Facebook without looking at why they should be there or what they hope to accomplish.

虽然那天我在球场上很想把我的想法一股脑儿说出来,经过不停反思我最终还是闭住了嘴巴。Although I really wanted to give him a piece of my mind that day on the field, I managed to keep my emotions in check and my mouth shut.