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我情愿先死给你们看!I will die first!

我情愿不去。B. I'd rather not.

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他很不情愿的接起了电话。Reluctantly, he picked up.

里克极不情愿地跟在她身后。Rick begrudgingly follows.

他是不情愿做天才。And he was a reluctant genius.

但他没有不情愿去。But he did not go unwillingly.

不,我情愿再吃一些小吃。No! I'd rather have more snacks.

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我们情愿选择第二个方案。Our preference would be F. O. B.

她极不情愿地转过身来面向我。She turned unwillingly toward me.

哨兵很不情愿地让他通过了。Reluctantly, the guard let him go.

付这么多的税我很不情愿。I grudged having to pay so much tax.

我情愿每天步行去壆校。I prefer walking to educate every day.

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海蒂很酷地补一枪,朱很不情愿倒下服软。One more shot, G falls down reluctantly.

难道说你和他在一起是很不情愿的吗?Are you with him is the reluctance of it?

然而我还是不太情愿就这么打死这头大象。But I did not want to shoot the elephant.

他不情愿地雇她为文员。He reluctantly hires her as a file clerk.

您情愿去我的死日派对吗?Would you come to my birthday party?-Yes.

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我情愿节衣不愿缩食。I'd rather economize on clothes than food.

只要你来了,我情愿死在你的怀里!If you would come I could die in your arms!

当你必须把目光移开时,记得要表现的很不情愿。When you must look away, do so reluctantly.