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我可以请户主听电话吗?Can I speak to the householder.

每家户主都必须同意协议接受审查。Every homeowner must agree for the deal to go through.

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请问户主的户口簿带来了没有?Excuse me, have you brought the host's Household Register?

1995年,这个房子的第一个户主很喜欢吃鲶鱼。In 1995, the first owner of the house was a catfish lover.

虽然一些建筑商负债累累,但房屋户主们并没有。Although some homebuilders are heavily indebted, households are not.

户主的另外一个要求就是楼上要有一个洗衣房。The other thing the clients were hoping for was an upstairs laundry.

第二,女性户主家庭是否有更高的贫困发生率。Second, are female-headed households over-represented among the poor?

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户主是对中年夫妇,他们十几岁的儿子坐着轮椅。It's this middle-age couple and their teenage son whose in a wheelchair.

如果布勒搬家,SunRun的合同会转移给下一个新户主。If Buller moves, SunRun's contract can be transferred to a new homeowner.

这次的户主是一个年轻的家庭,审美观非常现代。The clients for this project were a young family with a very modern aesthetic.

想要删除你的Google主帐户,需要先登录Google帐户主页。To delete your main Google account, login through the Google Accounts homepage.

您能告诉我您和这个存折的户主是什么关系吗?Can you tell me what is the relationship between you and the owner of the bankbook?

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公司和户主负债累累,其中一些债务预示着通货膨胀。Firms and householders are overburdened with debts, some of which are indexed to inflation.

大多数车手的户主家庭,今天上午,我们说我们的好轮空,我们看到的那些。Most of the riders were headed home that morning, and we said our good-byes to those we saw.

官员们将那些符合条件可以享受渔船、渔网和住房补偿的户主名单登记在册,并在村里的墙上张榜公布。Lists of those eligible for boats, nets, and housing were prepared and posted on village walls.

从事井盐生产的人户主要称为“灶户”。" Well salt production of households who engaged in the main referred to as "kitchen household.

覆盖面涵盖5名家庭成员,包括户主和配偶以及多达3名受抚养人。Coverage extends to five family members, including the head and spouse and up to three dependents.

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1992年以前,世界上任何人都可以在苏黎士和日内瓦开保密账户。银行提供对账户金额以及户主姓名的保密服务。Before the year of 1992, anyone in the world can open a confidential number account in Zurich and Geneva.

私人户主或商人为盗窃、或认为破坏或天灾带来的损失或损害投保。Private householders or businessmen insure against burglary, loss or damage by vandalism or "acts of God".

礼品行业还在不断增长,应为由45-54岁为户主的家庭是礼品最大的购买群体。The gift industry is also growing, as households headed by 45-to 54-year-olds are the biggest gift purchasers.