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但这无从得知。No way to tell.

我想对此无从说起吧!I think this never speaks!

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她在两个选择之间无从选择。She was torn between the two choices.

成与败,我无从知道。Whether it will or not, I don't know.

但他却觉得无从说起。But he couldn’t think of anything to say.

济南每天都会发生这么多事情,无从知晓确实是一种遗憾。This is a pity as Jinan has a lot going on.

因为自我是无边无际无从度量的大海。For self is a sea boundless and measureless.

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它的真正意思是没有选择或无从选择。Its real meaning is to have no choice at all.

我全身如火般滚烫,无从休息。My body seemed on fire and I could not sleep.

你无从知道下一个大石头下会有什么。You never know what's under the next boulder.

所有获得一点点的分量和无从捉摸。Everything gains a bit of heft and tangibility.

望着你的双眼,心里有言万语却无从说起。I look in your eyes just don't know what to say.

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无从得知这个乐队演奏时是否看乐谱It's not clear that this particular group could.

除此之外,他的想像力就无从驰骋了。But beyond that his imagination could not travel.

我们还是无从而知谁是。Shelly Kagan But we don't know which one that is.

我们无从知晓,而且她也无法回答。We don't really know and she never really can say.

简直是太愚蠢而无从选择。There was almost too much stupidity to choose from!

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这话可收我无从回答了。That is a question which I hardly know how to answer.

令你无从知道叫得更响的孩子是否应该吃得更多。Who cries harder than others but cannot tell you why.

引起危机的缘由几乎常常无从查证。What sets off the crisis is almost always unverifiable.