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我曾经是一位酒仓库的小工。I used to be a laborer in a liquor warehouse.

十年前,曹淑发在一家小工厂里打杂。Ten years ago, Cao Shufa in a small factory charwoman.

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他也是“右派”,他当大工,我当小工。He was also a right wing, he was a master, I was coolie.

“去叫个小工把货送了,要快,”派先生说。"Get one of the coolies to deliver it, fast, " Mr. Pai said.

好吧,你明天再来吧。我们眼下不需要小工。All right, come back tomorrow. We don't need a coolie right now.

我不会让我的军官去象一个小工一样干苦力。I will not have an officer from my battalion working as a coolie.

我最喜欢的面板小工具有“天气”、“强制关闭”,以及“硬件监视器”。My favorites include weather, Force Quit, and hardware monitoring apps.

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我去找工作,只要小工的工钱,也没人理我。Asking only workman's wages, I come looking for a job, but I get no offers.

所以我觉得放弃收费权并希望其他人能够将这些书签小工具发展壮大会更合适。It is better to give them away in the hope that others will make more of them.

我一定要去找份工作,哪怕擦皮鞋摆小摊,哪怕挑泥浆做小工。I have to look for jobs, even before shoeshine stands, even if doing the mud-Gong pick.

但是做点小工或是每周有点零用钱,总会让你的腰包鼓一点的。But doing a small job or getting a weekly allowance would put some money in your pocket.

他白手起家,把一家小工厂办成了跨国企业。He started from scratch, developing a small factory into an internaational business group.

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因为贫穷,他很小的时候就在一个书店做小工,后来又去了一家药店工作。Being poor, he worked as an assistant in a book store and later in a chemist's shop when he was young.

我可能一辈子都是个农民,打个小工挣个小钱,看好俩孩子就一辈子了。I may have been a farmer all his life, making up the Gong A little money, good life on the two children.

他们在工地上干的是用刀砖葺砖的活,我只是个挑泥浆的小工,他们都对我冷嘲热讽。They stem at the site of a knife brick repair brick wood, I just pick mud coolie, they are right, I get upset.

如果制造商们想在小工具市场竞争,我们需要每个商家都生产什么工具。If manufacturers are to compete in the widget market we need to regulate what each participant can call a widget.

尽管一些技术小工具有时能帮助你把工作做得更好,但有时候它们也会影响你的任务。Although tech-toys can sometimes help you do your job better, at other times they take you off-point and off-task.

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他必须有一个很长的楼道,要有二楼的休息区而且所有雇员都要穿蓝色的T恤还要佩戴一个小工牌。For instance, it has a winding staircase, upstairs seating area and employees wearing blue T-shirts and chunky ID lanyards.

他摔断的腿用临时找来的木片固定住了——“一个小工扶住我的腿,另一个牵着马的笼头走。”His fractured leg was bound in an extemporized splint -"one coolie supporting my leg while another led my horse by the bridle."

我在农闲的时候在街道打点小工,我把每天赚来的钱都留下一点存在一边,这样我借的钱也能够按规定的时间还上了。When I am not raising the animals, I go into town and work some odd jobs. I save a little money everyday so that I can return the loan on time.