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停电,水源枯竭,油价上窜。Power, water depletion, gas channeling.

由于停电,所有的商店都关门了。All stores closed because of short-circuit.

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小娟说昨天停电了。Slightly winsomely said yesterday power cut.

微型电网技术也最大限度地减少停电。The Micro-Grid also minimizes power outages.

三年前的耶诞节有过一次停电。Three christmases ago there was a power cut.

顺便问一下,今儿怎么停电了啊?By the way, why is there no electricity today?

停电了,周围一片漆黑。The electricity went off and caused a black-out.

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这个街区昨晚停电几个小时。This block was blacked out for hours last night.

高压输电线断落,造成大面积停电。Barometer readings are plotted on a pressure chart.

今年加州多次停电。California has experienced many black-outs this year.

这个台风是造成停电的起因。The typhoon is the cause of the electricity black-out.

突然停电,蒸发瓶会自动提升。Automatic lifting of the flasks during a power failure.

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该震动导致受灾地区大范围停电。The tremor caused widespread blackouts in affected areas.

今晚主持停电晚会的是罗比崔比阿尼。And officiating at tonight's blackout, is Rabbi Tribbiani.

一旦停电,整条大街变得黑黝黝的。When the electricity went out, our whole street was black.

没必要买电风扇。喏,又停电了。There's no need to buy electric fans. Now another power-cut.

该国大部分城市居民一个星期会停电三天。Most of its townspeople are without power for three days a week.

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灾难发生仅一周首都东京已经开始不定期停电。Only a week after the quake, Tokyo was facing rolling blackouts.

尽管停电让它工作不畅,但它还是将鞋带吞噬消化了。Sluggish in the brown-out, it complains, but swallows and digests.

手机信号时续时断,白天停水晚上停电。When the phone signal when water cut, daytime renewal at blackout.