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图式是为了演绎而设计的。And a schema is designed to evolve.

图式自身常常是想象力的产物。Schema is itself a product of imagination.

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而阅读又与图式理论密不可分。And reading and schema theory and inseparable.

而文化图式从属于内容图式。Cultural schema is a sub-category of content schema.

隐喻和转喻是自然的推理图式。Metaphor and metonymy are natural inference schemas.

图式1吡咯与苯甲醛的缩合反应。Scheme 1 . condensation of pyrrole and benzaldehyde.

立视图式侧视图又叫树枝状图。The elevation or side view is known as a dendrogram.

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在图式上较前代也有较大突破。It made breakthrough more than previous dynasty in graphics.

实验二考察内隐锻炼者自我图式。The second experiment explored implicit exercise self-schemata.

该图式以系统的形式运作,包含了许许多多的知识图式。The ISAS works as a system with a large number of knowledge schemata.

轨道网基本图式是轨道网规划中要分析的首要问题之一。Fundamental pattern of URT network is a key point during URT planning.

图式理论强调阅读者的先前知识,即背景知识。In belief, schema is made up of past experience or background knowledge.

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原来我在80年代就已经对键盘形成了图式。It turns out that my schema regarding keyboards was formed in the 1980s.

什么样的观点出现了,你发现了什么样的图式或者关联?What kinds of ideas come forward? What patterns or associations do you find?

图式教学与学生的性别的交互作用不显著。There was no remarkable interaction between schema-based instruction and sex.

在这个独特的图式——舞王像里,湿婆正在为人们的无知而起舞。In this particular form, Nataraja, Shiva is dancing upon the ignorance of man.

因此,就图式理论在阅读教学中的作用和拓宽方式进行探讨。This paper just discusses the function of schemata theory in teaching reading.

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图式理论和语境理论是话语分析的重要内容。Schemata theory and context theory are an important part of discourse analysis.

对高中生英语阅读策略的训练不足,学生的阅读策略图式缺乏。Students are under-trained in reading strategies and poor in the Schema Theory.

同时我也讨论一些中国作者对图式幻觉主义所提出的说法。And I discuss the accounts of pictorial illusionism developed by writers in China.