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但是该团伙仍在作案。But the gang goes on.

这起抢劫是一个四人团伙所为。A four-man gang carried out the robbery.

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警方在那团伙中安插了一名坐探。The police had planted a spy in the gang.

窃贼团伙星夜潜逃了。The band of thieves decamped in the night.

结成团伙的杀手被一起绞首。Cutthroats who gang together hang together.

结成团伙的杀手被一起绞首。Cutthroats who gang togetter hang together.

团伙们在旧磨坊内发现了一辆蓝色大货车。The men find a large blue van parked inside.

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比利被移送到托管人家,加入了流氓团伙。Billy removed to foster care and joins a gang.

团伙们掩盖了洞口将混凝土藏好。The cons cover the hole and hide the concrete.

他曾承诺打击毒品贩卖团伙。He had promised to fight drug-trafficking gangs.

那两个暴力团伙进行了一场彻底的火并。The two gangs had a knock-down- drag -out fight.

雷与当地的犯罪团伙混到了一起。Ray got mixed up with the local criminal element.

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范说,海盗是武装团伙的一份子。Pham says pirates are members of armer armed gangs.

犯罪团伙在同一天进行了三次武装抢劫。The gang commit three armed holdup on the same day.

团伙们穿过了过道,来到医务室门口。The cons move through the halls to the infirmary door.

李秋云,人体带毒团伙的头目。Li Qiuyun, human body carries the head of poisonous gang.

士兵们拷上了团伙的头目并盖住他的头。The soldiers handcuff the ring leader and cover his head.

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他说,犯罪团伙盗窃一切值钱的东西。Salah says gangs are stealing everything good in the area.

轮子在泥浆中打滑,团伙们跳出车外推车。The wheels spin in the mud and the men jump out to push it.

现实是,男孩面临着犯罪团伙,面临着被逮捕的危险。In reality, the boys are facing gangs, they're facing arrest.