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这杂志里尽是插页!This magazine is full of lap flaps!

这是缺乏对中国插页地图。It is lacking a foldout map of China.

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制作自己的唱片封套,插页和标记。Create your own CD covers, inserts, and labels.

我翻今天报纸的插页广告,看有什么东西在特价销售。I check what's on sale in today's newspaper inserts.

我们希望您删除第一个结束的插页。We want you to delete the inset on the first ending.

“该故事同样也出现插页的头条,”帕瑞斯说。"It also appeared on the front in an inset", Price said.

这些广告插页简直像是不停地自行生产出来的!It's almost as if the inserts keep reproducing themselves!

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杂志里的插页掉下来落到腿上。the pieces of paper that fall out of magazines into your lap.

我不想看见我老婆像拉脱亚一样出现在花花公子的裸照插页中。I don't want to see my wife as a centrefold in Playboy like LaToya.

杂志中页的折页杂志中的中心页跨页版面,尤指特大型照片或特写折叠插页。A magazine center spread, especially a foldout of an oversize photograph or feature.

你也应该扔掉所有的插页、信封以及其它不重要的东西。You should also be throwing away all inserts, envelopes, and other unimportant things.

该树的全景图以折叠插页形式出现,完美展示了科学家迄今为止发现的最复杂树冠。The full photo unfolds from within the magazine, revealing the most complex crown scientists have mapped.

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经两轮预试验后,IEC策略宣传画和预防接种证插页传播材料定稿,建议在IEC传播策略中使用。The poster and foldout material were finalized after two times pretest and could be used in IEC strategy.

随药品附送的详细包装插页更是司空见惯。The detailed package inserts supplied with medicines have long been a familiar feature of pharmaceuticals.

媒体购买者必须为偏好的位置即印刷媒体中理想的插页广告位置而讨价还价。The media buyer must bargain for the preferred positions , namely the ideal insertion positions in print media.

杂志广告可用彩色印在杂志的插页上,对广大读者有很大的吸引力。Color can be used magazine advertisements in magazines printed on the foldout , the readers are very attractive.

这本精选合集囊括了110年来所有国家地理杂志的插页地图。This amazing collection features 110 years of foldout maps included with issues of National Geographic magazine.

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此书前后的桔红色插页表面涂有一层铅丹,有杀虫驱虫作用,这种纸亦称万年红。The suface of nacarat interieaves in the book was coated with lead paint which has the function of insect disinfestations.

为了能够在课堂教学里使用,指导书插页被特别设计成幻灯片形式以适用于投影设备。Instructor's Sequence pages are formatted specifically for transparency reproduction for use with over-head projection equipment in class presentation.

美国某个家庭的两个大学生,在其父亲的鼓励和支持下,利用空余时间承揽了投递广告插页的活路来挣钱。Being encouraged and supported by their father, two college students in a family in America use their spare time to undertake the delivery of ad inserts for money.