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太空营。Space camp.

首位中国宇航员太空漫游。First taikonaut space walk.

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“她离开了太空堡垒。”吉姆说道。"She left Macross" said Kim.

“从太空来的!”他两眼瞪着我。From space!" He stared at me.

我的理想是飞入太空。My wish is to fly into space.

杨利伟是我国第一位进入太空的人。Yang Liwei is in our country.

你是在太空或是某些东西?Are you in space or something?

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再一次的太空环行。Another journey into the space.

史泼尼克卫星2号带了一只狗到太空中。Sputnik 2 put a dog into space.

这是一个在太空劳动的工作。This is a job working in space.

但是在太空上面应该怎么办呢?But how does that work in space?

会飞的汽车,太空服装。Cars that fly, space-age clothes.

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太空行走靠安全系绳。Space walk on the safety tethers.

我们必须指望我们的太空家族。We must look to our space family.

当我们进入太空时,会发生什么?What happens when we go to space?

他会是太空旅行的大亨吗?Will it be a space-travel tycoon?

尿液则丢弃到太空之中。Urine is discarded out into space.

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他会是一个进入太空旅行的大亨吗?Will it be a space-travel tycoon?

太空平台。新威尼斯城所在地。Hosts the New Venice space station.

美宇航局禁止太空性行为。International Space Station sex ban.