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所有这些都可以在市场经济中发生。All this can transpire in market economies.

有没有点自由市场经济的迹象?Are there any signs of free market economics?

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我的天赋会在市场经济中收获什么?What my talents will reap in a market economy.

市场经济就等于“搞钱”经济吗?。Is Market Economy Equal to Money Making Economy?

就像市场经济一样,决策者不想出现不确定因素。Like markets, policy-makers dislike uncertainty.

现代市场经济实际上是一种混合经济体制。Modern market economy is a mixed economy system.

市场经济,富贵逼人。Market economy, riches and honour is threatening.

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整顿和规范市场经济秩序。We will rectify and standardize the market order.

从计划经济到社会主义市场经济。From a planned economy to a socialist market economy.

社会主义市场经济应运崛起。This situation gave rise to a socialist market economy.

今天的中国,已经是一个全面开放的市场经济国家。China today is a market economy country of full opening-up.

市场经济绝不等于“搞钱”经济。Market economy is by no means equal to money making economy.

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市场经济条件下,中华牌文化再次兴旺发达。Market economy, Chinese culture card once again flourishing.

那些支持市场经济的人千万不要忘记这一点。Those who support the market economy must never forget this.

是符合市场经济的发展轨迹的。Be the development contrail that accords with market economy.

在资本主义市场经济中,消费者是至高无上的。In the capitalistic market economy the consumers are supreme.

市场经济推动了艺术通俗化的进程。Market economy, promote the process of popularization of art.

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意思自治是市场经济在法律上的必然选择。Meaning autonomy is market economy in jural inevitable choice.

在979年的市场经济体制下,价格双轨制开始实行。For the market economy, a dual-pricing system was tried in 979.

它论及的是社会主义市场经济的宏观调控。It deals with macro-modulation in the socialist market economy.