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那张邮票上没有盖图章。There is no stamp on the stamp.

图章能完美的置入孔穴。The medallions sat perfectly on the openings.

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寻找标有“美国农业部有机”的绿色图章。Look for the green seal that says USDA Organic.

所以我们要拿出王冠里的图章。So we have to pluck the medallions from the crown.

所谓人大代表是一个像皮图章。So-called "People's reps" are mocked "rubber stamps".

我是途胜图章的北京人,现在是一家广告公司的职员。I born and live in Beijing. I am a staff in an AD. company.

这位年轻又迷人的母亲当众出示了图章戒指以作证明。Then the lovely young mother showed the signet ring as proof.

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然后,我们就用这图章将硅电池印制在其他物体上,比如印制在一张塑料膜上。Then we use the stamp to print them on, for instance, a sheet of plastic.

篆刻千百年来,对中国人来说,图章是权利的象征。Seal Engraving To the Chinese, a seal was for many centuries a symbol of power.

对,王冠里的图章是钥匙。还要仔细察看壁画!Yes, the medallions in the crown are the key. Take a close look at the frescos !

他能作诗,能填词,能写字,能刻图章。中国古书也读了不少。He could write poems, lyrics, calligraphy, make stamp and read quiet a few ancient books.

她又找出那一对田黄图章,发现已换了簇新的锦盒。She got that pair of Tianhuang seal again and noticed that its brocade box had been renewed.

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公告的蛇是怎样的形象,甚至在很大的图章在谷底页。Notice how the image of the serpent is significant even in the sigil at the bottom of the page.

查完了之后呢,大夫就拿了个小图章,蘸了擦不掉的墨水在她的肚子上盖了个章。After the exam, the doctor took a small stamp and stamped the wife's stomach with indelible ink.

如你在上面的照片中看到的那样,小石子和树叶通过仿制图章增加绿草的方法被“变没了”。As you can see in the picture above, the rock and leaf are removed by cloning the grass into the area.

这些阴刻了几何或动物图案的方形图章,具有经济凭证的作用。These square seals, carved in intaglio with geometric or animal motifs, served as economic documentation.

这两半王冠能完美契合?十二宫图章的其中两个掉了下来。The two halves of the crown fit together perfectly?And two of the twelve zodiac medallions have fallen out.

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皇帝的图章叫作玺,有了玺,皇帝就可以给予他的臣民和政府不同级别的权利。The emperor's seal was called Xi, and it gave authority to all his inferiors, and governments at different levels.

因为生性单纯害羞,她不敢带男婴去贝拿勒斯那座让人眩目的宫殿,但是她把图章戒指保留了下来。Being a simple shy woman, she was afraid to take him to the fancy court in Benares, but she saved the king's signet ring.

我把白羊宫和金牛宫的图章放在太阳船上,一个面板打开了,一个陌生的装置露了出来。I lay the Aries and Taurus medallions on the solar barque and a panel in the mausoleum opened to reveal a strange device.