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沙恩死后,我对他的思念与日俱增。I miss Shane more every day he's gone.

湘绣赢得了声望与日俱增。Xiang Embroidery gained popularity day by day.

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这是一种危险性与日俱增的误算。It is an increasingly dangerous miscalculation.

阿莱莎的恨与日俱增,在内心燃烧。Alessa's hate grew and grew, burning inside her.

随着进口增多,卢布压力与日俱增。As imports grow, so does pressure on the rouble.

波特罗势头正与日俱增,纳尔班迪安准备复出。David Nalbandian is ready come back from injury.

时光飞逝,但我对你的爱却与日俱增。Time elapses so quickly, but my love for you grows fonder.

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为什么应用软件质量的影响与日俱增?Why is the impact of application software quality growing?

青少年为极多的媒体消费——而且与日俱增。Kids consume a hell of a lot of media--and more all the time.

愿你俩永浴爱河,祝你俩幸福与日俱增。May you two always be in love! May happiness increase with age?

电脑的速度和贮存量与日俱增。The speed and storage capacity of a computer increase steadily.

他说,危险与日俱增,但是谈判却迟迟。Every day danger mounted, he said, but the deal was bogging down.

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你是一位难得的挚友,我对你的珍重与日俱增。You're a wonderful friend, and I treasure you more with every day.

产品在市场具有一定的知明度,品牌效应与日俱增。Products in the market have a certain visibility, increasing brand.

英语的词汇非常丰富,数量惊人,而且与日俱增。The language is rich in vocabulary and has a large number of words.

即便如此,随着与日俱增的退休人员这些盈余将会消失。Even so, the surplus will disappear as the number of retirees rises.

庞大的国际参展阵容,证明了中国的影响力在与日俱增。The big international presence attests to China's growing influence.

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电脑的速度和贮存量与日俱增。The speed and storage capacity of a computer is increasing every day.

特劳雷加入了在弗兰顿球场与日俱增的前枪手家庭。Traore joins a growing band of former Arsenal employees at Fratton Park.

偷窃天火之后,宙斯对人类的敌意与日俱增。PandoraAfter the stealing of fire, Zeus became increasingly unkind to men.