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中篇文章克漏字。Grammar. Medium length text open cloze.

中篇传奇小说是中国小说发展史上的创举和破例。Legendary novelette is an innovative and exceptional genre in the history of Chinese fiction.

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老舍是幽默的集大成者,无论是小说,包括长篇、中篇、短篇,还是诗歌、散文、戏剧都长于幽默。Lao She is a master of humor, which can be showed not only in his novels, novelettes and short stories but also in his poetry, prose and dramas.

金陵怀古词是中国词史中篇制浩繁、体系完备的题材类型。Jinling Nostalgic Ci is a type of subject matter shared by a host of ancient Chinese poems forming a complete system in Chinese history of ci-poetry.

该书中篇是倍受关注的“信仰访谈录”,记录了十七位精神贵族对我们建设共有的精神家园的深深关切之情。Medium-length book is a closely watched "Faith Interview", recorded 17 spiritual nobility of the spirit of our home building shared feeling of deep concern.

因此,明代的中篇文言小说是中国文言与白话两大小说系统急剧交汇的产物。Therefore, the medium-length novels of classical Chinese of Ming Dynasty are products of the blending of classical Chinese novels and the vernacular novels.

中篇是比较篇,共四章,重点对美国、日本、欧盟和部分新兴国家、地区的财政性出口促进政策进行了比较分析。The second part of this thesis, consisting of four chapters, compares the export-promotion policies of the USA, Japan, the EU and a number of new and developing countries.

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受世俗文化的巨大冲击,明代的中篇文言小说在叙事体制方面体现出鲜明的话本化倾向。Having strongly been influenced by the secular culture, the narrative mechanism of the medium-length novels demonstrates distinctive tendency of imitating Chinese vernacular novels.

中篇传奇小说叙事格局的形成与发展,为明清以降白话中、长篇小说的繁盛,储存了许多有益的经验、实践和机会。The development of its narrative pattern paves the way for the prosperity of novels as well as novelettes in the vernacular Chinese in the succeeding years of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

中篇部分重点探寻新时期文学作品的电影改编在审美表达层面上的艺术流变现象和深层转换原则。In the middle sections the focus was to explore the film adaptations of literary works in aesthetic expression level of development and the principle of deep transformation in the new era.

元明中篇传奇小说将空间背景设置在民宅大院中,通过打破传统民居的空间秩序展示反礼教的主题,利用深宅大院中合法的空间位移描写男女恋情。Yuan and Ming legend novels establish the space background in big courtyards of private houses. The social moral topic is demonstrated by breaking down the traditional space for traditional residents.