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给出部分源程序并阐述了自制完成的解析几何CAI系统。Besides, some source programs and analytic geometry CAI system are offered.

圆锥曲线是高中生解析几何学习中的一个难点。Conics is a difficult section in the Analytic Geometry for senior high school students.

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基于在解析几何的基础上确定了切线和交点的唯一性。Based on the analysis, determine the unicity of point of tangency and point of intersection.

解析几何是几何学的一个分支,是数学中最基本的学科之一。Analytic geometry is a branch of geometry, mathematics is one of the most basic of disciplines.

适合学校实际平面解析几何课堂教学的课件资源匮乏。The teaching of plane analytical geometry is short of the suitable courseware resources in practice.

解析几何是高中数学的重要部分,它将代数与几何有机地结合在一起。Analytic geometry is the very important part in senior high school, it combine algebra with geometry.

本文通过具体的例子,介绍了韦达定理和逆定理在解析几何中的应用。This paper will introduce the application of Weda's Theorem and Converse Theorem in analytic geometry.

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解答解析几何问题,要用较简的方法解题,在运算过程须采取“避免、选择、结合、利用”的对策。In the course of perform operation, youd better use the method of "avoiding, choosing, combining and using".

讨论了渐近线在解析几何和高等几何里定义的等价性,以及另外的几种等价定义及相应的解题方法。In the paper, the equivalence of the concept of asymptote in analytic geometry and higher geometry is discussed.

奥雷斯姆关于质的强度的图示法是自然数学化的关键一步,奥雷斯姆本人也因此被看作解析几何的先驱。Oresme's graphic representation of intensity of qualities is a key step in the process of nature's mathematization.

本文讨论了解析几何中的两个疑难问题,它有益于解析几何的教学和研究。In this paper we discuss two problems in analytic geometry. It's good for teaching and studying of analytic geometry.

作者提出了空间解析几何与立体几何教学结合的一种新观点。The author has Put forward a new viewpoint on the combination of teaching space analytic geometry and cubic geometry.

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利用数形结合的思想为不等式构造解析几何模型,并加以推广。This article structures and extends an analytic geometry model for a inequation based on combining numbers and shapes.

本文主要探讨信息技术与平面解析几何教学的整合的理论及实践。This paper main discussion information technology and plane analytic geometry teaching conformity theory and practice.

在第二节中,我们用解析几何中的技巧研究非等腰三角形的伴心理论。In section 2, we use skills in analytic geometry to study the theory of the companion centers of nonisosceles triangles.

平面解析几何对“求过二次曲线外的点所引曲线切线的方程”的问题,未给出一般的方法和公式。The problem of attaining the tangent equation of a certain point on a quadratic curve is basically solved in plane analytical geometry.

并研究了在高中解析几何的教学中,针对加强“双基”的教学策略和教学措施。It discussed the teaching policy and teaching measure to reinforce the "Two Basics" in analytic geometry teaching in senior high school.

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直线被圆锥曲线截得弦的中点问题,是解析几何的重点和难点。The problems about the midpoints of the chords cut by the taper curve are the most critical and difficult in analytic geometry problems.

点到直线的距离公式是解析几何中的一个基本公式,本文从不同角度对这一公式给出了几种推证。The distance equation form dot to straight line is a basic equation for analytic geometry. This paper presents some deductions form angles.

在三维应力空间,采用解析几何的方法,导出了莫尔-库仑等面积圆屈服准则的简化形式。In 3-D stress space, simplified form of Mohr-Coulomb equivalent area circle yield criterion is derived by adopting analytic geometry method.