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你去过黄果树瀑布吗?Have you seen the waterfall?

我喜欢徒步观赏瀑布。I’d like to hike the Cascades.

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水在瀑布下激起泡沫。Water seethed under the falls.

在瀑布下水激起泡沫。Water seethes under the falls.

一条壮观的瀑布,落差50米。A beautiful 50-meter waterfall.

那褐色的瀑布泼撒了下来。Down rippled the brown cascade.

在瀑布下的深潭里赤裸游泳。To swim naked under waterfalls.

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在瀑布下洗次澡。Take a shower under a waterfall.

在浅浅的河边,对着那瀑布By shallow rivers, to whose falls

这个设计像悬崖的峭面,又像一个瀑布,有一个巨大的圆屋顶和半透明的表皮。its design resembles a cliff face

依瓜苏瀑布不座落于哪里?Where is not Iguazu Falls located?

你听说过安赫尔瀑布吗?Have you ever heard of Angel Falls?

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阳光如瀑布般倾泻。Sunshine pours down like waterfall.

瀑布冲磨掉岩石。The waterfall rasped away the rock.

带来许多小瀑布逗留在近旁。With many a fall shall linger near.

山楂溪瀑布群,阿肯色州,夜色。Haw Creek Falls, Arkansas, at Night.

我在那里长大,近哲辛瀑布。I grew up there near Chippewa Falls.

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拍摄,诺日朗瀑布,中国。Photo Shoot, Nuorilang Falls, China.

这声音像远方瀑布喧响。Sound like a distant torrent's fall.

几吨的水奔泻过这个瀑布。Tons of water rushed over the falls.