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这款饮料获得了“最糟糕抹子奖”。This drink won the “Worst Float Award.”

砂浆可用喷枪喷涂或者抹子手工涂抹。The plaster is applied with a sprayer or by hand using a twohanded trowel.

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使用手抹子混合,应用和传播砂浆,水泥,乳香,胶水或其他粘合剂。Mix, apply and spread mortar, cement, mastic, glue or other adhesives using hand trowel.

含960大卡热量,40克脂肪,136克糖和32盎司抹子,足以代替你的午餐了。With 960 calories, 40 g of fat, and 136 g of sugar, a 32-ounce float can replace your lunch.

用把脱毛膏产品里佩带的抹子,把脱毛膏均匀地涂抹于需要脱毛的地方,确保其完全覆盖住那块皮肤。Apply the cream evenly with the spatula, ensuring that the area to be treated is completely covered.

刮涂是采用抹子、刮板或油灰刀刮补腻子的方法。Blows spreads is uses the trowel, the scraper or the putty knife blows makes up the putty the method.

待混凝土初凝前,再采用铁抹子进行次混凝土表面收光。And the secondary surface leveling shall be carried out with steel trowel before initial curdle of concrete.

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混凝土浇注成型后,用木抹子进行混凝土表面收平,要求混凝土表面平整。After completion of concrete casting, the trowel shall be used for surface leveling of concrete to ensure the surface smooth.

由于木抹子搓压而上有各种条纹,可以根据需要选用,以便抹出不同的饰面图案来。Because wooden float shall be used to pressure and there are various rub stripe, and may, according to needs, so as to wipe out choose different facing design.

基层处理干净后,将砂浆涂抹于基面,再用侧面带齿抹子将砂浆揉成条沟状后,即可粘贴饰面瓷砖,粘贴厚度为2-3mm。Clean substrate, apply the mortar on substrate, rub the mortar strip-shaped with a side-tooth trowel, and then can stick ceramic tiles. the thickness is about 2-3mm.

因此一些发达国家外保温面层抹平,不允许用铁抹子拍打,只能用木抹子搓压平整。So some developed countries with external thermal insulation layer flat, and allowed to use iron float shall be used to beat, can only use wood float shall be used to rub pressure level off.