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我感觉很麻木.I feel numb.

——她们浑身麻木,挤成一堆。And they huddle, numbed.

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他的脚麻木了。His mind has been numbed.

他的脚麻木了。His foot has gone to sleep.

我不只在工作中麻木。I wasn’t just numb at work.

孟兆祥只能麻木地点着头。Meng could only nod numbly.

似乎真的麻木了。Seems to really have numbed?

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悲伤使她变得迟钝麻木了。Grief has blunted her senses.

她的脚都冻得麻木了。Her feet were deaden with cold.

我的脚趾冻麻木了。My toes are deadened with cold.

我的手脚都冻麻木了。My feet were benumbed with cold.

那女孩冷得麻木了。The girl was benumbed with cold.

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你只需拍电影时麻木一会。You just get numb after a while.

让我们直面它,电视使心态麻木。Let’s face it, TV is mind-numbing.

但它同时也会导致你对性的麻木。But it can also numb your sex drive.

太多经历,感觉就麻木了。Too many experiences numbs feelings.

现在患部感到麻木吗?Do you feel numbness in the area now?

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感情缺乏控制,感觉麻木。Feeling lack of control, feeling numb.

恐怕情圣也该麻木了。I am afraid My Lover should also numb.

我的手指麻木了,解不开结。My dead fingers could not untie the knot.