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他满腔热忱地从事工作。He took up his pursuit with ardor.

沃尔夫满腔热忱地迎接新生活。Wolfe embraced his new life with gusto.

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带着满腔热忱,我完成了整套动作,笑逐颜开。I grinned as I finished with a strong sense of passion.

我信心百倍,满腔热忱要把外贸做出来。Full of confidence and zealousness, I want to do some foreign trade.

我信心百倍,满腔热忱要把外贸做出来。Full of confidence and zealousness , I want to do some foreign trade.

看待同志要满腔热忱,不能冷冷清清,漠不关心。We should be warm towards our comrades, not ice cold and indifferent.

不要雇佣为钱而来的人,他们需要对工作满腔热忱。Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who love it of it.

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资金终于凑足,怀着满腔热忱,母女俩出发了。Funds were found and, armed with a wealth of enthusiasm, mother and daughter started out.

你怀着满腔热忱走进客户的办公室与他面对面地谈你们的第一笔生意。You've just walked into the office of hot prospect for your first face-to-face sales call.

如今,中国已经表明自己将满腔热忱地投入这个进程。And China has now demonstrated that it intends to be a full-hearted participant in this process.

大部分西欧主要国家已满腔热忱地接受高速铁路网的概念。Most of the major West European countries have embraced the concept of high speed rail networks.

大部分西欧主要国家已满腔热忱地接受电信革命的概念。Most of the major West European countries have embraced the concept of telecommunications revolution.

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你怀着满腔热忱走进客户的办公室与他面对面地谈你们的第一笔生意。You've just walked into the office of hot prospect for your first face-to-face sales call. You shake hands and you both sit down.

我崇尚邓肯忠心耿耿的高尚品格,还有他的满腔热忱。每次我走进家门,他都在开心地等着迎接我。I believe in the nobility of Duncan's loyalty, and his enthusiasm. Every time I come in the door, he's waiting to greet me with glee.

如果你满腔热忱地想献身于祖国,但却没有所需的技能,那你也不会做出大的贡献。If you are enthusiastic about devoting yourself to your country, but do not have the skills it takes to do so, you cannot effect much change.

这些老师在教学中表现出的敬业、奉献精神以及对学生尊重、平等和满腔热忱,使我们不禁想起当年的白求恩大夫。The dedication, expertise, respect and kindness shown by the teachers towards to the students during their work has let us to thinking of Dr.

作为一名满腔热忱的马克思主义者,他形容中国当前的政治方向是终于厌倦了资本主义而准备“回到美好的旧时代”。An ardent Marxist, he describes China's current political direction as finally tired of capitalism and ready to "go back to the good old days."

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作为雇主,我们面试过许多MBA学生和年轻的专业人士,他们都满腔热忱地想成为全球性金融行业的一员。As employers, we have met and interviewed many MBA candidates and young professionals who were inspired to join the global financial industry over the years.

德峰奉行“品质卓越、价格合理、供货及时、服务一流”的一贯宗旨,满腔热忱,全心全意地为广大用户服务。The company pursues "quality excellence, reasonable price, punctual delivery, superior service", and serves for the user enthusiastically and wholeheartedly.

至少有一位满腔热忱的倡导者坚称,如果不允许英国球员铲对方小腿部位的话,他们还不如向法国人投降认输。At least one impassioned advocate asserted that if English players were not allowed to hack one another in the shins, they might as well surrender to the French.