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同时,卡梅拉和草甸硬碰硬。Meanwhile, Carmela and Meadow butt heads.

四周多草甸、箭竹林、冷杉、高山杜鹃。More around the meadow, arrow bamboo, fir, alpine cuckoo.

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唐古拉山南坡安多一带的洞穴堆积物则是在高寒的草甸环境下形成的。Speleothems in the karst caves on the northen slope of the Mt.

先让我们在这里喝点水稍事休息和颂赞这草甸。But let's rest here and drink some water and admire the meadow.

这在干草原和草甸干草原地区是一块好饲料草地。This is a good forage grass in steppe and meadow steppe regions.

泽库高寒草甸草地牧草随季节变化差异极大。Seasonal biomass change varied greatly in Zeku alpine meadow pasture.

哈尔滨的松花江流域属于松辽平原的草甸草原草场范畴。Songhua river basin of Harbin is belong to meadow steppe in Songliao Plain.

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三位女神出现在草甸他在那里守着他的羊。The three goddesses appeared in the meadow where he was guarding his sheep.

无论是森林沼泽,还是草甸、沼生及水生植被都是如此。No matter which is helohylinm, swamp, helo vegetation or aquatic vegetation.

本文应用DCA、CCA及DCCA排序技术对新疆呼图壁盐化草甸群落进行了分析。The salty meadow community of Hutubi, Xinjiang was analyzed by DCA, CCA and DCCA.

运用12种多样性指数综合分析了历山舜王坪草甸的物种多样性。Using 12 diversity indices, the species diversity of Mountain Meadow was studied.

森林、灌丛、草甸、草原到荒漠呈带状更迭。The changes are manifested in belts from forest, bush, meadow and steppe to desert.

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典型土壤选择草甸土、黑钙土、草甸碱土三种。Selected soils are meadow soil, Black Calcium soil, and meadow alkali soil, respectively.

为研究封育对不同退化山地草甸物种多样性的影响,以C。In order to study the effects of enclosure on species diversity of degraded upland meadow, C.

对于弥漫我所用的鲜花草甸与位图,使景观更加丰富多彩。For the diffuse I used a bitmap with a meadow with flowers to make the landscape more colorful.

海拔4000多米的青藏高原草甸上,七月初,春天才迟迟来临。In early July, spring has only just arrived to the 4000m high grassy marshlands of the plateau.

高寒草甸地区温度是限制牧草地上年产量提高的主要因素。Temperature is a major factor limiting the growth of above ground biomass on alpine grasslands.

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卡尔赠送房子给老婆,花园及所附草甸,在附近的城镇卡尔斯哈芬。Karl donates a house to Bessler, with garden and meadow attached, in the nearby town of Karlshafen.

本研究对苏打化硫酸盐草甸盐土改良过程中易溶性盐分的变化规律作了初步探讨。This work reports on the Variations of soluble salts in soda sulphate meadow solonchak reclaimation.

一个梦幻般的草甸,一端是些松树,水池,清净新鲜的空气,那些午后的云在翻涌金黄…A dreamy meadow, pines at one end, the pond, the clear fresh air, the afternoon clouds rushing golden.