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牛马不杀,胶皮何取?Horses don't kill, rubber and where taken?

那会很无聊,只是在浪费‘胶皮’。It would be boring and a waste of cellulite.

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此项决议包括所有现在采用的长胶粒胶皮和套胶。This includes all long pimpled rubbers currently used.

就像一个打结的胶皮管,压力升高并积聚。As in a kinked garden hose, pressure builds up and backs up.

你可以用一根浇花使用的胶皮软管来说明牛…You can demonstrate Newton's third law of motion with a garden hose.

幽默灵巧的赛跑者在日出之前或日落之后使用胶皮枪。The funny cunning agent uses his gum gun before aurora or after dusk.

诙谐灵便的赛跑者在日出之前或日落之后使用胶皮枪。The funny cunning runner uses his gum gun when sunrise or after sunset.

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施炭所配用胶皮是通用的,还是一种特别的施拉格的组合?And blade and rubbers match or is this a special "Shclager-combination"?

滑稽乖巧的赛跑者在日出之前或日落之后应用胶皮枪。The funny cunning runner uses his gum gun ago sunrise or despite sunset.

幽默乖拙的赛跑者在日出之前或者日降之后使用胶皮枪。The funny cunning runner uses his gum gun before sunrise or after sunset.

滑稽乖巧的赛跑者在日出之前或日落之后使用胶皮枪。The funny cunning runner uses his gum gun before sunrise or after sunset.

用重物压或扣上拍夹数分钟使胶皮黏牢。Press with weight or use racket jacket on newly glued blade for a few minutes.

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使用该产品时应戴好防护眼镜和胶皮手套。Use the products should be worn when good protective glasses and rubber glove.

生胶就是颗粒向上、直径大于高度的胶皮。Health is the glue particles upward, a diameter of more than a high degree of rubber.

在一场倾盆大雨中我开着车,突然驾驶座这一侧的雨刷胶皮坏了。The windshield wiper blade on the driver's side quit while driving in a blinding storm.

手表由一条黑胶皮带补充完成,在金属圈下扣起。Models supplemented with a strap made of black rubber, textured under the profile tires.

Orca出品的能量手镯是一个胶皮的腕带中嵌入电池,以便为电子设备及时的补充电能。The Orca PowerStrap is a battery bracelet that provides emergency power for your gadgets.

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在触球的一瞬,可以体会到整张胶皮完全地吸收了由速度胶水才能形成的击打感觉。Feel at the ball contact fully assimilate the clicking sensation generated by speed glues.

根据日方目前提供的反馈信息,主要包括矿泉水、胶皮手套、救灾皮鞋等商品。According to feedbacks of the Japanese side, mineral water, rubber gloves and shoes are in need.

使用本品时请戴胶皮手套,注意保护眼睛,远离儿童。When use this product, you had better wear rubber gloves. Take care of your eyes. Please keep away from children.