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我希望您能读一些好的诗作。I hope you know some good poetry.

这是他诗作的一个好例子。Thiss is a good example of his poetry.

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我想以一首欧文的诗作结。I want to conclude with a poem by Owen.

涂黑诗作就是一个编外项目。The blackout poems were a side project.

他的诗作带有很深厚的浪漫主义色彩。There's profound romanticism in his poetries.

这在谢榛的诗作中有着深刻的反映。And this has been deeply reflected in his poems.

他还不能担当写出伟大诗作的重任。He's not yet up to the task of a great poem yet.

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由于内人喜欢此诗作,所以她请我手书它。My wife likes this poem, so she asked me to write it.

应弟子茶桶的提请,我已翻译了此诗作。As requested by disciple Detong I did the translation.

频一生诗作甚多,大多散佚。Life poems even more frequent, mostly scattered and lost.

应一弟子的提请,另一诗作的翰墨已书成。One more poem in calligraphy, as requested by a disciple.

应一弟子的提请,一诗作现已成翰墨。Upon request from a disciple a poem is now in calligraphy.

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应一弟子的提请,两篇诗作现已书成翰墨。As requested by a disciple two poems are now in calligraphy.

我这个“小诗人”把所有的诗作都揣在口袋里。The poet could carry all his effusions about in his pockets.

最后,再次以罗得雅德•吉卜林的诗作为我此次演讲的结尾To end my speech, I would like to quote Rudyard Kipling again

应一弟子提请,一诗作已手书成。As requested by a disciple one poem is written in calligraphy.

应一些弟子们的要求,两篇新诗作已手书成。As requested by some disciples two new poems are in calligraphy.

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文章探讨分析了新加坡诗人寒川的诗作。The article discusses the poems of the Singapore poet Han Chuan.

本论文分析陈黎诗作的音乐性结构。This paper focuses on the musical dimensions of Chen Li' poetry.

试著把下面这首霍斯曼所写的著名诗作大声读出来。Try reading out loud the following famous poem by A. E. Housman.