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由被压迫阶级首倡的人权,永远是全人类的珍宝。Initiated by the oppressed class of human rights will always be the treasures of all mankind.

因之,首倡应由立法时代过渡到严肃执法时代。So we urge that the lawmaking era should be transmitted to a new era of serious enforcement of law.

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清代朱书首倡皖江文化,其皖江文化的内涵即安庆文化。ZHU-shu, a scholar of Qing dynasty, first exponented Wang-Jiang culture, whose implication was Anqing culture.

凯尔森首倡的“纯粹法学”是西方法哲学中分析实证主义法学的一个主要流派。"Pure Jurisprudence", advocated by Kelson, is the major school in Western analytical Positivist jurisprudence.

中庸思想为孔子首倡,并为历代儒学思想家所继承和充实。The mean theory was initiated by Confucius, and then inherited and developed by Confucian philosophers of past dynasties.

唐博士在律师界和保险界首倡“保险律师”新概念,积极开拓保险法律业务新领域。Tang initially advocated "insurance lawyers" in law and insurance field and actively promote new legal service in insurance field.

法家首倡重刑,后世儒家进行了修改,但是重刑的内核仍然存在。The Legalists initiator of Severe-Penalty doctrine, later Confucianism carried out a revision, but the core remains severe penalty.

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王国维在近代中国首倡美育,是近代中国美育理论的创始人。Wang Guowei first initiated aesthetic education in Modem China. He is also the founder of the theory of modem Chinese aesthetic education.

1982年由穆青同志首倡的“散文式新闻”走俏报坛,对推动新闻文体改革产生了很大作用。A kind of "Prose Report" advanced by Mu Qing was very popular in 1982 , which played a very important role for the development of the News reform.

孔子首倡的“德主刑辅”思想代表了古代法律文化的基本性格,自西汉以后就成了封建社会的正统思想,影响深远。The thought of "leading morals and assistant criminal laws" proposed by Confucius represents the basic characters of Chinese ancient legal cultures.

中国近代史学以梁启超首倡的“新史学”即资产阶级史学为正统。Initiated by Liang Qichao, the neo historiography, i. e. the bourgeois historiography, was regarded as the orthodoxy of modern Chinese historiography.

三峡工程从首倡到正式开工有75年,是世界上历时最长的水利工程。It took 75 years from proposal to the official commencement of the Three Gorges Project, which makes it the longest water-control project in the world.

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广东外语外贸大学外语学院的王初明教授首倡了“写长法”,以适应中国英语教学环境。Length approach, which is initiated by Professor Wang Chuming, from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, appears to meet the need of English teaching environment in China.

柏林禅寺首倡的生活禅夏令营成为宗教界的名牌,其宗教旅游也对赵县经济产生了重大影响。The summer camp for Zen's way of life initiated by Bailin Temple has become famous in the religious circles, and the religious tourism has brought great effect on Zhao Country's economy.

自从20世纪初顾颉刚等首倡“疑古辨伪”以来,学者多方寻求“重建古史”的途径。Since Gu Jigan's first advocating of "suspecting the ancient to distinguish truth and false" in the 20th century, scholars have long been searching the means of "re-constructing ancient history".