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在我看来,这件问题不容小视。This is not, in my view, a minor matter.

本赛季对球队的影响也不容小视。J. has had an impact on the team this season.

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普通流感也不可小视。And “ordinary” flu is not to be taken lightly.

因此,这两个利空因素的影响不可小视。Thus, the two factories factors can not be belittled.

“尊严之诉”产生了一股不可小视的民主浪潮。This quest for dignity has produced aremarkable democratic wave.

光凝能量、范围及光斑大小视病情而定。Light energy , limit and light spot was decided by patient' s condition.

长达100公里的冰川阵不能小视。The threat from ice formations of 100km long should not be underestimated.

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尤其是小视场时刚体位移可达几十个像素。Then a predetermining and surpassing the rigid displacements way is developed.

对侯赛因的到场在谈判中起到的作用很难说得清,但他的作用不容小视。It is difficult to describe or overstate the impact Hussein’s presence had on the talks.

同时,重庆民间文学艺术保护中存在的问题也不可小视。The problems in protection of Chongqing folk literature and art should not be neglected.

对于小组赛的对手科特迪瓦、澳大利亚和塞尔维亚队,里克尔梅认为都不能小视。The group rivals Ivory Coast, Serbia and Australia teams that can not be lightly Riquelme.

当前,大学生爱国主义教育效果不容乐观,在其客观因素中,社会原因不容小视。Among the objective reasons for the ineffectiveness, the social reasons are not insignificant.

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贝利还称赞巴西队和阿根廷队是南美的“巨人”,而墨西哥队的实力也不可小视。Brazil and Argentina are the giants from South America and in addition, Mexico has a good team.

除了受伤,受伤的风险也不容小视,比如有人在梦中从家里出去走到街上。Not only just injuries, but risks of injuries such as getting out of the house onto the street.

但也有投资者表示,微软自有其长远规划,而且不可小视。But that view underestimates the strength of Microsoft's long-term game plan, other investors say.

海平面上升的潜在威胁,万万不可小视。The problem of rising sea level is a potential threat for agriculture which is not to be neglected.

关节痛,尤其是膝盖、脚踝、手肘和手腕部位的疼痛,是不可小视的。Joint pain, particularly in the joints of the knee, ankle, elbow and wrist, should never be ignored.

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除了显而易见的监管政策风险,经营上的风险亦不可小视。Besides the superintendency policy risk of clearly, run the risk that go up also cannot small inspect.

出让股权来募集资本带来了责任和监督力度都不容小视,所以一定要事先做好准备工作。Raising capital in exchange for equity brings tremendous responsibility and regulation. Do your homework.

在现代中国文学的“创制”过程中,“观念”的力量真是不可小视。"Formulates" in the process in the modern China literature, "idea" the strength really cannot look down upon.