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时光不会使我们的爱情稍减分毫。Time will never cause our love to dimish.

起先冰层分毫不动,只叽嘎了一下,像沉重的门扉。At first the ice held, only creaking a bit, like a heavy gate.

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如果复制我们最好的努力成果都不花分毫,我们如何能持续下去呢?If reproductions of our best efforts are free, how can we keep going?

但无论做什么工作,他对于古汉字的热爱未减分毫。Whatever he did, his love of ancient Chinese characters had never changed.

在我居住的这小小的世界我深怕使它更有分毫的减少。I lived in this little world of mine and am afraid to make it the least less.

相同的手,相同的臂膀,相同的脸——与几分钟以前分毫不差。These are the same hands, the same arms, the same face that were mine a moment ago.

分享令美愈加闪耀光辉,在这个意义上说,其实世上唯一的真理是分毫不费的。Beauty so shines when given away. The only truth that exists is, in that sense, free.

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每一秒,每一寸,他都能掌握地分毫不差,了如指掌,根本不用想,全凭天生的直觉。He just knows to the second and the inch, and he don't need to think about it at all.

丢弃童年时期的噩梦。它们已不能再伤你分毫,并阻挠你前进的路。Leave the childhood monsters behind. They can no longer hurt you or stand in your way.

有些最慷慨最浪漫的礼物并不需要破费分毫。Some of the most generous and romantic gifts cost nothing in terms of dollars and cents.

她从没有错过与我的相聚——相同的地点,相同的日子,分毫不差的时间,七点整。She never missed her rendezvous with me—same place, same day, at precisely the same time, Seven o'clock.

当神在一个城中,祂使那城象锡安山一般坚固,不能移动分毫。When God is in the midst of a kingdom or city He makes it as firm as Mount Zion, that cannot be removed.

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他也曾说过这一句,梦与现实分毫不差的重叠,那一刻,让我在命前面,彻底输了。He also said this one, dream and reality overlap Folks, that moment in the life in front of me completely lost.

在这两个例子中,谷歌在和苹果,微软,诺基亚以及黑莓的大战中“获胜”,但是谷歌却无法从中获利分毫。In both these instances, it counts as a "win" in the handset volume war against Apple, Microsoft, Nokia and RIM.

每一天都是一个新的日子。走远当然是好的,不过我情愿做到分毫不差。这样,运气来的时候,你就有所准备了。Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.

已婚男子与一直独身的男子之间的行为差异只是分毫而已。“The difference between married and never-married men is never bigger than half a behavior, ” she pointed out in an interview.

1996年1月简的全部生活都被准确地做了限定。它就位于她的子宫,4.5公分,分毫不差。IN JANUARY of 1996, the size of Jane's universe was precisely defined. It was exactly 4.5 centimeters and located in her uterus.

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谁还会在黎明梦醒,雨落的黄昏,不差分毫的回应你的想念,容忍你的任性,笑对你的拙笨。Who will be in the dawn, the rain falls the dream at dusk, often respond to your miss, tolerate you to your smile, willful stupidly.

他说男人和女人都有责任,但是他又补充“却没有人去指责妇女分毫”,记者报道。He said that women and men shared responsibility, but added that "nobody puts even a fraction of blame" on women, the newspaper said.

但是,你这富人,在太阳欢乐的金光中,在月亮沉思的柔光中,这些单纯的辉煌,你的财富却不占分毫。But, you man of riches, your wealth has no part in the simple grandeur of the sun's glad gold and the mellow gleam of the musing moon.