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我只是粗略地翻了翻。I just slipped over it.

笔法松散粗略。The brushwork is loose and undescriptive.

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它们仅是以关联性渐减的粗略次序排列。They are rough order of decreasing relevance.

幸运的是,乔布斯对这一粗略的问题并未予以回答。Fortunately, that glib question stays unanswered.

所有的这些评估都是粗略的。In all of these, the estimates are fairly coarse.

这篇文章粗略地提及了我们与日本的关系。This article glanced at our relations with Japan.

就流浪汉问题,我想谈几点粗略的看法。WANT to set down some general remarks about tramps.

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穆子坐在写字台边,将信件一一拆封,粗略看了一遍。She'll sit with you, my soul, while I write a letter.

然后化学家们会做些粗略的修补以增强它的口味。Chemists then tinker with these to enhance their taste.

我粗略地估摸了一下,决定不能让孩子看到这第二部分。I decided, roughly, that I wouldn't let the kid see it.

他粗略地勾出了他设想中图案的曲线。He roughed in the curves he intended his pattern to take.

他先把整个计划粗略地叙述一遍。He sketched out the general picture of the project first.

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该小节没有什么有用的内容,感觉是被粗略带过了。It had a glossed-over feeling with little useful content.

这个问题在序言中已粗略地提到了。The subject has been referred to cursorily in the preface.

容我粗略地做一个比喻,反射性的动作,并不算是「行动」。If you will allow me a crude image, a reflex is not an act.

她用绳子粗略地将那束玫瑰花捆起来。She roughly tied the bouquet of roses with a piece of rope.

使用套索在你的图像周围画一个粗略的选区。Use your Lasso to draw a rough selection around your image.

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粗略来说,隐形坦克是澳门赌场赌场中最好澳门新澳门赌场防空单元。Stealth Tanks are easily the best Anti-Air Unit in the game.

银行会出一个评估报告,但却很粗略。The bank will do an appraisal , but it will be a cursory one.

线框图不捕捉粗略的概念,取而代之的是直接开发。Wireframes don’t capture rough ideas but rather develop them.