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产销合一,有利提高营销效率。Production and marketing, and favorable to improve marketing efficiency.

企业创立至今,积累了丰富的产销经验。Creation of enterprises , has accumulated a wealth of marketing experience.

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全球最大的轮式装载机制造商,2008年产销装载机29000台。The world's largest wheel loader manufacturer, 29000 loaders output in 2008.

市场调查准确,才能使产品产销两旺。Only correct market research enables both production and marketing to thrive.

具备产销一体的生产经营能力。With the production and operation of integrated production and marketing capacity.

今年上半年,全国汽车市场产销两旺,价格总体保持稳中略涨态势。First half of this year, Both production and marketing thrive on the national auto market.

由本研究可以探知产销班发展必须凝聚共识,共同订定努力之目标。This study reveals that to develop a production-marketing team requires a collective sense.

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本厂实行产销直接挂钩,保证供应。Our factory practises direct linking of production and sales, thus ensuring supply of goods.

服装产销作为一个涉及到经济、社会、文化的行业,受其影响甚深。Clothing sales as a result of the economic, social and cultural sectors, been affected deeply.

2003年武钢上马了整体产销资讯系统。In 2003 Wu Han iron & steel company constructs the Entity Producing & Selling Information System.

利润中心可以决定产销哪些产品和多少产品。A profit center may determine which of products and how many products should be produced and sold.

整个亚洲市场和产销的增长对后市场来说也预示着利好。Increase in automotive production and sales across Asian countries also augurs well for the market.

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究其原因,还在于,作为世界产销最大的商用车企业,福田对奥铃的深耕细作。The reason is Foton as the world's largest commercial vehicle company has been spaded husbandry for Aoling.

也曾在产销部门有一个月的实习经历,主要是熟悉塑胶产品的生产工艺流程和生产出货安排。And I also worked in PMC team around 1 month to understand the whole production process of plastic commodities.

在我抵达彭城的时候,这里制陶业的工艺和产销都已一蹶不振了。At the time of my arrival in Pengcheng, both the distribution and the artistry of the pottery had seriously declined.

消费习惯,产销体系,金融模式,环境治理——所有的一切都将改变。Consumption habits, manufacturing and distribution systems, financial models, regulatory environments—all will change.

而成霖集团目前产销主业仍然集中在卫浴洁具产品上,还远没有实现从卫浴洁具产品向家居产品的拓展。At present, GlobeUnion Group 's main principal work of production and sales has been paid on products of sanitary wares.

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因此对企业组织产销过程敏捷地响应市场提出了更高的要求。Consequently there is higher demand about corporations organize the process of produce and sale to answer market astutely.

根据福特提供的数据,2009年沃尔沃S40和S80系列产销仅为1.5万辆.In 2009, the company made and sold barely 15,000 units of the Volvo S40 and S80, according to sales data provided by Ford.

我国煤炭产销的不平衡使得煤炭运输对长三角经济发展产生重要作用。Coal transportation is crucial to the development in Yangtze Delta with the unbalance between coal production and consumption.