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枕骨隆突明显突出。The occipital protuberance was well developed.

枕骨主要为致密的皮质骨。Occipital bone comprises compact os integumentale.

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头骨是半球形的,枕骨凸起十分明显。The skull is well domed , showing a pronounced occipital protuberance.

从枕骨部到吻部的长度大于额头的宽度。Its length from occiput to muzzle is greater than the width at the brow.

该药还能延迟大鼠胚胎胸骨与枕骨的骨化。It could also delay the ossification of occipital bone and sternum of the fetuses.

它在眼窝与耳囊到枕骨大孔之间向后延伸。It extends posteriorly between the orbits and otic capsules to the foramen magnum.

枕骨螺钉也有引起颅内并发症的潜在风险。Occipital screws also associated with the potential for intracranial complications.

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换言之就是胎儿枕骨位于母亲骨盆左前侧。In other words, the fetal occiput is directed towards the mother's left, anterior side.

目的探讨经远外侧枕骨髁入路的显微外科解剖。Objective To describe microsurgical anatomy of the extreme lateral transcondylar approach.

鼻梁、颊骨和肌肉平滑,从枕骨到鼻梁的长度等于口鼻的长度。Cheekbones and muscles flat. Length from occiput to stop about the same as length of muzzle.

由于入路及空间结构的限制,对枕骨进行固定并非易事。The occiput does not easily accommodate instrumentation because of access and spatial constraints.

正是枕骨脉轮,管辖并引导着菩萨级别梦想的能量流。It is the occipital chakra that governs and directs the energy flow of the dream of the Bodhisattva.

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枕骨脉轮为你此后的生命之舞和提升引导梦想与梦想编织。The occipital chakra directs the dream and dream weaving for one's life dance and ascension thereafter.

当到达5000股时,枕骨脉轮开始盛开,同时在心脏、盆腔和定冠处归呈现24瓣的莲花形状。Around 5000 strands, the occipital chakra buds along with 24 petals in the heart, pelvic and crown lotuses.

目的目前对于枕骨大孔区畸形并脊髓空洞症患者的治疗仍有争论。Objective The surgical management of foramen magnum malformation associated with syringomyelia is controversial.

本文旨在对1987年“北京丰台地区新发现的一具人枕骨化石”进行初步探讨。This paper is a preliminary study of a piece of human fossil newly found in Fengtai district of Beijing in 1987.

枕骨下三角内有椎动脉及肌支、椎静脉丛和第一颈神经。The structures in the triangle were the vertebral artery, muscular branches, vertebral venous plexus and C1 nerve.

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颅颈部畸形叉称枕骨大孔区畸形,涉及的疾病较多。Malformation of the craniocervical region, also known as malformation of the foramen magnum region, relates to many diseases.

枕骨脉轮提供了一个脉轮来管辖着你的梦想,它位于颈后,在你掌握3000股之后才出现。The occipital chakra provides a chakra to govern one's dream, which sits behind the neck after 3000 strands is mastered in one's ascent.

而枕骨大孔疝意识障碍,瞳孔变化和呼吸循环衰竭是同时的。But big bore in back part of skull hernia consciousness obstacle, eye pupil variety with breathe to circulate the failure is simultaneous.