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整天都在神的慈爱中。And all the day be love.

你应该坚信上帝是慈爱的。Believe in a God of love.

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你的慈爱永世长存。Your love endures forever.

神是慷慨的神,满有慈爱的神。He is a generous and loving God.

你慈爱的手给我们的一切东西。From your good and ever-loving hand.

他们和其他所有人一样,都需要慈爱。They, as much as anyone, need metta.

慈爱的神,我们渴望忠心于祢。Loving God, we desire to be faithful.

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小孩子渴望着父母的慈爱。The child was starving for affection.

象一位慈爱的母亲,见天色已晚。As a fond mother, when the day iso'er.

蒂帕嬷不断地发出慈爱。Dipa Ma continuously offered blessings.

母亲饰之以慈爱之木、馨美之花。Mother decorates It with love and beauty.

是她闪著慈爱目光的一双眼睛。E is for her eyes, with love—light shining.

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神阿,你的慈爱,何其宝贵!How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God!

慈爱之心不能让我置之不理,我必须救他。My loving-kindness will not let me ignore him.

以马内利,慈爱和平的婴孩请来临。Come, come Emmanuel, O Child of Love and Peace.

不要等到一个笑容才面露慈爱。Don't wait to serve others until you have time.

又杀巴珊王噩,因他的慈爱永远长存。And og king of basha n--his love endures forever.

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衪没有留下慈爱不给我们。His does not withhold His loving-kindness from us.

才让我看到他作为一个丈夫,一个父亲的慈爱。Just let me see him as a husband, a father's love.

让他们更多的谦真、苦好、战顺战慈爱。Make them more humble, sweet, flexible and loving.