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发图片。Post pictures.

载入一个暗场图片。Loads a dark frame.

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这个图片很模糊。The picture is muzzy.

这是幅不错的图片。Here's a nice picture.

不按图片顺序。Non-numerical sequence.

现在把你的图片交上来。Hand in your picture now.

这只是一张可爱的图片It's just a cute picture.

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好的,我已经将图片删除了。OK, I deleted the picture.

请给这些图片编上序号。Please number the pictures.

教师出示陈洁爸爸的图片。This is Chen Jie 's father.

不要在邮件中发送HTML网页或者图片。Don't send HTML or pictures.

我觉得这是可怕的图片。I find this a scary picture.

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我需要一张一致的图片。I need a consistent picture.

图片到视频转换器1.1。Freez Screen Video Capture 1.

详见日环食图片。See annular eclipse pictures.

图片搜索在七月上线。Image search launches in July.

更多精彩的图片就在。More eye-catching pictures at.

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支持图片表情。Support for graphic emoticons.

图片以海为背景。The picture has a sea setting.

耶路撒冷名胜图片。一条街景在老城市。A street scene in the Old City.