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南阳盆地周围有取之不尽的石材资源。Nanyang Basin was abundant in stone resource.

据说这口井很大,它的水是取之不尽用之不竭的。The well is, they say, great and inexhaustible.

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海里的好鱼是取之不尽的。There are as good fish in the sea as ever came outof it.

如果是后者,爱的源泉怎么可能取之不尽呢?And if the latter, how can the spring of love be endless?

我们储蓄了一大笔钱,这笔钱似乎取之不尽。We saved up a large sum of money, and it seemed never to dry up.

当地的海鲜因而干净、富饶而且取之不尽。The local seafood is therefore clean, plentiful, and never-ending.

而现在你只需一个电话就可以召来取之不尽的食物。Now, 'anyone can summon an unlimited amount of food just with a cellphone.'

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潮汐能和常规水能一样,是一种取之不尽、用之不竭的可再生性能源。The tide energy, like familiar water energy, is a kind of renewable energy.

对美国而言,煤炭取之不尽、用之不竭的时代已近尾声,但这也昭示着我们终于能够摆脱它了。We are approaching the end of plentiful coal in the U.S. and good riddance to it.

核能以及太阳能是另外两种能源,它们都是取之不尽的。Nuclear and solar energy are two alternate sources, and neither of them is limited.

在发达国家,饮用水不但取之不尽,更被视为一种权利。In developed countries, drinkable water in not only abundant, it’s considered a right.

气候宜人,还有取之不尽的水果及鱼类。The weather is perfect, and you've got all the fruit and fish you could possibly want.

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在过去的几十年里,人们对待矿物的态度就好像矿物的供应取之不尽,用之不竭。In the past few decades men behaved as if their supplies of minerals were inexhaustible.

虽然这在某些情况中是好事,但没有人的精神和体力是取之不尽、用之不竭的。Although this is good in some cases, no one has an unlimited source of mental and physical energy.

如果我们将来能够学会控制大气层中的能源,那我们将来就会有取之不尽用之不竭的能源了。If we can learn to control the energy in the atmosphere, we will have an unending supply of energy.

大兴安岭林区,是一座美丽的大花园,也是一座取之不尽的宝库。The daxinanling forest region , is a beautiful big garden , also is a inexhaustible treasure house.

实际上,全世界的大洋里有取之不尽的海水,盐水的供应将会源源不断。The world's oceans, in particular, present a virtually limitless and drought-proof supply of water.

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浩瀚无垠的中华馨卷,为我们留下了取之不尽的肉体源泉。Undifferentiated expanse of the Chinese warm-hearted volumes, left us inexhaustible spiritual source.

因特网,好于电话薄,相当于一个取之不尽、用之不竭的广泛的客户查询网。Better than a telephone directory, Internet is a wide and an inexhaustible resource to find customers.

他们也许更十分清楚地认识,他们自己所拥有的石油资源,毕竟也不可能永远取之不尽,用之不竭。They might even be subtly recognizing that their own oil supplies are not completely unlimited after all.