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“我把自己定位成资本家,”他说。"I consider myself a capitalist, " he said.

资本家还在拍劳动者的肩膀——用一把斧头。Capital still pat labour on the back- with an axe.

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资本家少算工人们的工资。The capitalist cheats the workers over their wages.

资本家靠榨取工人的血汗来养肥自己。The capitalists batten on the blood of the workers.

我们一定要从资本家手中拯救资本主义。We'll have to save capitalism from the capitalists.

资本家们先买后卖,进而攫取利润。Capitalists buy and then sell things to make a profit.

资本家利用劳工的剩余价值发家致富。Capitalists use laborers' surplus value to make a fortune.

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我们看到工会领导人和资本家们打得火热。We see the union leaders cheek by jowl with the capitalists.

如今许多学生咒骂“博洛尼亚”是资本家的阴谋。Many students now anathematise "Bologna" as a capitalist plot.

工人们为资本家卖命。The workers worked themselves to the bone for the capitalists.

资本家们总是希望压榨出更多、更多、更多!The capitalist wants to squeeze out more, more, more," he said.

他认为英国政府低能且无道德原则,资本家寡廉鲜耻,惟利是图。He deems capitalists to be shameless and bents solely on profit.

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我不找资本家,也不要逛窑子或有小老婆的人。I don't want anyone with factories or prostitutes or concubines.

他开始是一位社会主义者,如今和你了解的资本家没什么两样。He started as a socialist, and now he's as capitalist as you get.

中心参与资本家的伍斯达克年度音乐会。So join us at the Qwest for our annual Woodstock for Capitalists.

工人们不相信资本家的慷慨诺言。The workers distrusted the large promises made by the capitalist.

风险资本家可以把想法从实验室做到小规模初试的水平。Venture capitalists can bring an idea from the lab to pilot scale.

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这是资本家为了吓唬工人所玩的小把戏"This is the trick capitalists use to threaten workers, " he said.

由于官僚势力的压迫,民族银行资本家的力量不断削弱。The native bankers grew weaker under pressure from the bureaucrats.

约翰·福斯特,一位当地的资本家,1450年贷给他800荷兰盾。Johann Fust, a local venture capitalist, loaned him 800 guilders in 1450.