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它是亚热带温润季风气候。It's Subropical moist monsoon climate.

广州属于亚热带气候。Guangzhou enjoys a semitropical climate.

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西双版纳属亚热带气候。Xishuangbanna has a subtropical climate.

属亚热带季风湿润气候区。A subtropical humid monsoon climate zone.

尤其在南方热带、亚热带地区。Especially in the south tropics, subtropics area.

中国南方亚热带裸露岩溶区土壤瘠薄,又称石山土壤。Soils in South China bare karst are poor and thin.

湖北省属亚热带气候,四季分明。Hubei has a subtropical climate with distinct seasons.

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古气候应属亚热带气候。The paleoclimate should belong to the subtropical one.

丘陵地带以下是亚热带的Duars平原。The foothills descend into the subtropical Duars plain.

他们通常只生活在热带亚热带的丛林中。They're found only in tropical and sub-tropical jungle.

苦瓜,起源于印度,分布于热带、亚热带地区。Bitter gourd is distributed to tropics and subtropics area.

佛罗里达是亚热带地区,也就意味着地处热带。Florida is in the sub-tropics, which means "almost tropics."

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气候由南方的亚热带向北方的温带变化。It varies from tropical in south to cool temperate in north.

梭鱼分布于全球各地的热带和亚热带海域。Barracudas occur in subtropical and tropical oceans worldwide.

凉果是热带亚热带地区比较流行的一种休闲食品。Preserved fruits were very popular in the tropics and subtropics.

我看过一本书说新奥尔良属于亚热带气候。I read from a book that the climate in New Orleans is semitropical.

许多亚热带和热带水果能经受这种处理。Many sub-tropical and tropical fruits can withstand this treatment.

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红树林分布于热带和亚热带海岸。The mangrove flourishes on the seashores of tropics and subtropics.

洛杉矶有着宜人的亚热带气候以及许多白沙滩。L.A. has a favorable subtropical climate with many white sand beaches.

百日青是南亚热带区系古老的孑遗树种。Podocarpus neriifolius is an ancient subtropical relict flora species.