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如阳光那般璀璨。Lies bright as the sun.

比拥有王冠的明星更加璀璨。Than the stars of diadems.

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还有哪座城市星光更加璀璨What city is more glamorous?

于来春时开出璀璨的玫瑰。In the spring becomes the rose.

我想变成一颗明亮璀璨的星星。I want to be a bright, bright star.

是那璀璨的光环暗淡了吗?Is you it that bright aureole that dim?

有了贾巴尔,星光璀璨了很多。Had Jiabaer radiantly, the star light many.

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他庞然璀璨的身形吞噬着黑幽幽的山丘。His huge, light shape devoured the black ill.

塘沽是渤海湾上的一颗璀璨的明珠。Tanggu is a shining pearl over the Bohai Bay.

定是珍奇异宝,如此夺目璀璨。So dazzlingly radiant, it must be treasure rare.

夜空繁星点点,璀璨闪烁。The sky was full of stars dancing and twinkling.

一颗纯洁璀璨的明珠就卧在清澈溪底。In a clear stream lies an untouched bright pearl.

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您的心光总是这样璀璨。So keep that light inside you and keep it bright.

七年之后的今天,他的光环依旧璀璨。Seven years later, his reputation is even starrier.

毋庸置疑,您的教学生涯非常璀璨。You have had by any standards a spectacular career.

绚烂璀璨,无处藏身,过于温暖的孤傲。Gorgeous bright, no place to hide, too warm, lonely.

运城盐池,是河东地区一颗璀璨的明珠。Yunchen salt pond is a bright pearl in He Dong region.

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但是别忘了在西方文化里还有许多璀璨的艺术。But there is a lot of artistry in the best of the West.

香港永远是祖国的一颗璀璨明珠。Hong Kong is forever a shinning pearl of our motherland.

当他的妈妈被宙斯的璀璨之焰烧死时,他还只是个孤弱的婴儿。When his mother was burnt to death in the glory of Zeus.